Multiple multiples?

Posted By: Bob M

Multiple multiples? - 10/03/06 02:54 PM

Is there one or two particular HL's you have multiple multiples of? Is there a particular HL that you keep on buying because you can't resist a deal?

If you are an eBay follower, you probably end up buying duplicate, triplicates, or whatever of lights you already have in your collection. Why do you do this? Why would you want to have so many duplicates of one or two particular HL's?

A couple of lights come to mind as multiple multiples in my collection. I won't know for sure until I do an updated inventory, but I do believe I have 6 or 7 Edgartown and Ida Lewis (Limerock) HL's. I think I also have a half-dozen Grosse Point LE's.

Does this condition exist in your collection?

confused Bob confused
Posted By: mombo

Re: Multiple multiples? - 10/03/06 04:51 PM

Bob, I have only one multiple. And that one's Sister Island. I received an AP from HL and I later purchased a regular piece at a good discount. Kind of like having a real diamond necklace but wearing the fake! smile

(For newbies, I got the AP as part of my prize in winning the "Collector Choice" portion of the "Register and Win" Contest the first year if was held. I was new to collecting so bought quite a few HL's that first year.)
Posted By: rgurskey

Re: Multiple multiples? - 10/03/06 06:23 PM

I once had two Barnegat Lights, but now have only one. I have LLOM and LE versions of Fourteen Foot Bank, DE, but I guess that isn't what you are asking about. I also have Christmas ornament versions of LEs, but I presently have NO duplicate LEs.
Posted By: BeaconBob

Re: Multiple multiples? - 10/04/06 12:46 AM

You You are are a a sick sick man man!

BB laugh laugh
Posted By: sandy

Re: Multiple multiples? - 10/04/06 02:21 AM

I have ten "intentional" duplicates (both the mistake and the correction of a sculpture; i.e., Split Rock, Michigan and Split Rock, Minnesota) and 80-90 LEs that I hope to sell one day. I had most of the pieces I won on an eBay auction, but I wanted the auction pieces because their numbers were lower than what I had. I hoped I'd be able to sell those that I had, but the market went south (to the Pole!), and I'm waiting for it to come back.

I'm always on the hunt for both mistakes and low numbers, so duplicates and sometimes triplicates are not unusual.
Posted By: 5lights

Re: Multiple multiples? - 10/04/06 03:53 PM

So far I have no duplicates. I need to get some of the other pieces that I really want first. BUT...I have caught myself several times REALLY thinking about purchasing a duplicate.
So-it's just a matter of time and will power! laugh
Posted By: Bill and Judy

Re: Multiple multiples? - 10/05/06 05:33 AM

We have about a dozen duplicates that we bought thinking they could be used for trading purposes. That has never happened! No one ever is interested in trades but we didn't know that. We used one as a donation for the raffle for our club at the Reunion.
We don't do eBay so we'll probably just use them for donations.
Bill and Judy
Posted By: Bob M

Re: Multiple multiples? - 10/05/06 01:30 PM

No one ever is interested in trades but we didn't know that.
I've done some trading in the past. It works well when you have two parties that possess something the other party needs for their collection. It also works well when a party needs a particular piece you have and they offer you an opportunity to swap one HL for more than one HL. Some folks could care less about one particular piece and jump at the opportunity to get a two (or more)-for-one trade. Most of this is calculated by retail value when new, i.e. I paid $75 for a piece and someone else wants to give me three pieces that retailed for $75 each. More than likely, the person swapping three HL's for one wanted HL bought those three at a discounted price at a store closing or on eBay.

We don't do eBay so we'll probably just use them for donations.
That's a very honorable thing to do! Ebay prices are up and down more often then a toilet seat in a single seater restroom. The only pieces bringing good prices are the older more rare HL's. The newer more abundant pieces only sell if it's a real bargain.

Currently I'm still stockpiling as many HL's that I can get for reasonable prices. I'm picking up some very popular pieces from the past which I hope the resale of will generate at least a small profit and make another collector happy. Time will tell!

smile Bob smile
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