Name the Forums

Posted By: JTimothyA

Name the Forums - 12/18/99 09:32 AM

This little bit of virtual real estate used to be properly named "Harbour Lights Collectors Forums". Now its named the more generic "Collector Forums". Apparently some dealer had a hissy fit about some messages here and HL wanted to be clear that they weren't the owner/sponsor/operator and thus not responsible for all the dangerous subversive rhetoric floating around. (gasp!) I think its all kinda tacky, but its their name and their business and their dealers.

So as your pesky fogmeister, I'm asking for suggestions on what you think this place should be called. Since caveats seem to be the order of the day, I should note I haven't consulted with JC on this and its ultimately up to him and his board of directors about anything that goes on here and I'll happily defer. But it seems a harmless topic for discussion.

So - what should these forums be called? Here's some suggestions to get the ball rolling:

Lighthouse Model Collector Forums
Harbour Haven
Wacko World
International House of Collectors

/im (Sure feels like Winter)
[This message has been edited by JTimothyA (edited 12-18-99).]
Posted By: Bob M

Re: Name the Forums - 12/18/99 02:41 PM

Thanks for sharing that with us, Tim. As far as the name goes "Collector Forums" is fine with me. I think we all know where to find each other.

Yet again, the word "Lighthouse" should probably be in there so that the various search engines will pick it up. Then comes the problem of future HL collectors searching for sites with information about HLs. Well maybe they can find the link off of the HL web site.

How does "Lighthouse Collector Forums" sound?

Posted By: WackoPaul

Re: Name the Forums - 12/18/99 03:33 PM

Collector's of Harbour Lights Forums!

SaintWackoPaul '
Keep the Flame
Posted By: Joanne

Re: Name the Forums - 12/18/99 03:40 PM

Lighthouse Harbour Forums or The Lighthouse Forum Harbour

[This message has been edited by Joanne (edited 12-18-99).]
Posted By: DocJ44

Re: Name the Forums - 12/18/99 04:03 PM

Why not drop the word "forum" and call it something like "The Lighthouse Collectors' Harbour". The word harbor/harbour implies a sort of gatheringplace or refuge. Regardless of the name chosen I think the word "Harbour" (with the continental spelling) should be somewhere in it.

Doc John
Posted By: Webmaster

Re: Name the Forums - 12/18/99 05:27 PM

I'm open to naming it whatever the majority can agree on. In fact, I'd name them anything the Saints can all agree on! [You'll know we've reached a decision when you see the white smoke over the Vatican] LOL

I kind of like Doc's name and his suggestion to include 'Harbour' in the name.

I was thinking of H------ L------- Collectors Forums, but nah, seems to cryptic.

Lessee - 'Guiding Lights' - no; I think Jim's got that copyrighted.

'Harbourmaster's Log'? Harbour Haven? 'Harbour Heaven' 'Lighthouse Harbour'

[Tim - I don't remember the forums being named anything other than what they are now. But then my memory is fading away.]
Posted By: Weasel58

Re: Name the Forums - 12/18/99 06:49 PM

How about the "Ticked off Folks who want to tar and feather the "cry baby wennie" who forced us to change the name" forums?


Just Kiddin' but if I knew which dealer caused this, I'd help organize a complete boycot of them!!

Rant Mode is now OFF!!

[This message has been edited by Weasel58 (edited 12-18-99).]
Posted By: Mike Thompson

Re: Name the Forums - 12/18/99 07:18 PM

I've been visiting this site for a little more than a year or so, and I found it via I really feel that anyone interested in Harbour Lights can find the "Collector Forums" the same way.
Posted By: LamarB

Re: Name the Forums - 12/18/99 07:47 PM

How about "Forums for Collectors of Harbour Lights"?
Posted By: RRohweder

Re: Name the Forums - 12/19/99 12:37 AM

How about "Bill's, Bob's and Beaver's Buddies?"

Just kidding. Sean would never part with the beaver.


Posted By: Todd Shorkey

Re: Name the Forums - 12/19/99 05:24 AM

There is always "Lighthouse Collectors down by the Harbour Lights"

Why not fall back on John's old "Collectors Information Center" name somehow:

"Lighthouse Collectors Information Center"

"Lighthouse Collectors Information Center-Harbour Lights"

"Collectors Information Center-Harbour Lights"

A few thoughts,

Posted By: SCombs

Re: Name the Forums - 12/19/99 08:44 AM

I kind of like the combination of Joanne and the Doc

Lighthouse Harbour
Posted By: JTimothyA

Re: Name the Forums - 12/19/99 10:34 AM

>>Lighthouse Harbour <<

That has a nice ring to it.
Posted By: DocJ44

Re: Name the Forums - 12/19/99 04:05 PM

I agree..."Lighthouse Harbour" is a simple name that implies the topic of the group without actually using the "Harbour Lights" name. It shouldn't be too difficult for potential new members doing an internet search to locate us.

Doc John
Posted By: wheland

Re: Name the Forums - 12/19/99 05:30 PM

I also think that Lighthouse Harbour sounds right. It is unfortunate that this excercise is needed, but that's the world we live in these days. Dennis
Posted By: Art

Re: Name the Forums - 12/19/99 05:38 PM

I've been pondering several others, but Lighthouse Harbour seems to be the one I've been waiting for. Count me in.

Posted By: Webmaster

Re: Name the Forums - 12/19/99 09:13 PM

The 'Collector Forums' have been the 'Collector Forums' since they were 'opened' about May 14, 1998. They did have the logo name "" above the words "Collector Forums". The reference to '' was dropped when Harbour Lights asked me to create an 'official site' from my 'Harbour Lights Collectors Information Center' (HLCIC). However, in another area of the HLCIC, they were referred to as "Harbour Lights Collectors Forums".

In order to maintain the Forums as an open communication tool for and by collectors, the Forums were left at the site and were not part of the former HLCIC that becamse

This independence has not always been clear, judging from the emails I get from visitors and that Harbour Lights received from collectors and a few dealers who wondered why criticisms of the products were permitted in the 'Collector Forums.'

For that reason, I've simply moved and paraphrased the disclaimer that appeared at the bottom of each page and placed it at the top of the page. At the same time, I picked another photo for the 'Collector Forums' masthead. The name was changed in August, 1998.

Certainly with hundreds of readers of the forums, not everyone is going to be in agreement with everything that's posted. That doesn't make the one who disagrees a 'wienie.'

"Lighthouse Harbour" has a nice ring to it. Let's hear from others who agree -- or from any wienies who disagree.

To research this question, I dug through some files of the early days. These were print outs of the forums. The oldest one was dated 5/25/98 and had 9 forums with a total of 155 Messages. (Today there are 21,904 messages in 29 forums.)

Among those who've been guiding the Forums since Day One have been Paul, Fred, Sean, Rod, and Tim. Thanks guys... And thanks to you all for contributing, commenting, and reading the Collector Forums.

[This message has been edited by JChidester (edited 12-19-99).]
Posted By: LamarB

Re: Name the Forums - 12/19/99 09:48 PM

"Lighthouse Harbour" has a nice ring to it.

I strongly agree.
Posted By: JTimothyA

Re: Name the Forums - 12/19/99 09:52 PM

>>Certainly with hundreds of readers of the forums, not everyone is going to be in agreement with everything that's posted. That doesn't make the one who disagrees a 'wienie.'<<

I agree and yesterday I deleted the 'weenie' word from my original post.
Posted By: Webmaster

Re: Name the Forums - 12/19/99 09:55 PM

Oops, Never Mind.

Rosanne Roseannadana
Posted By: JTimothyA

Re: Name the Forums - 12/19/99 10:37 PM

I should add I'm surprised a dealer should care what anybody says as long as people are giving them money for Collectibles.

This next bit probably belongs in the Independance Day thread, but since the two threads are kinda related, its going here...

We should remember our roots (particularly my fellow Saints should know this) - this group is here because it left AOL, where there was no forum owner (other than the autocratic AOL) and no hint of allegiance to any particular brand or manufacturer being required to participate. If AOL hadn't banned sale items by individuals we might still be there. Back then there was no question of participation by anyone interested in any lighthouse model and no calls for loyalty oaths. Our flight from the AOL taxman shouldn't require taking a catechism.

A willingness to accept all folks interests is a mark of being independent and not tied to a manufacturer. It is the success and popularity of HL in the marketplace that has led to the considerable weighting of interest in these models. I seriously doubt someone else could develop as successful a line of lighthouse models, but this doesn't mean I'd discourage them from trying. And if a new set of super high-quality distinquishable models came on the market I would welcome discussion about them and the people who were interested in them, and I'd hope my fellow forum members would feel the same way. Particularly those who say they buy the models because they love lighthouses and appreciate the history these represent.

I won't go so far as comparing leaving AOL to colonists leaving Europe for the religious freedoms of America where all points of view are tolerated, but I'm tempted. :-)
[This message has been edited by JTimothyA (edited 12-19-99).]
Posted By: Joanne

Re: Name the Forums - 12/20/99 02:00 AM

My vote is for Lighthouse Harbour.

Posted By: RRohweder

Re: Name the Forums - 12/20/99 02:06 AM

I like "Lighthouse Harbour."


Posted By: Jazzer

Re: Name the Forums - 12/20/99 04:57 AM

I agree with sean but if we have to change it put down my vote for "Lighthouse Harbour"
Posted By: JTimothyA

Re: Name the Forums - 12/20/99 05:04 AM

>>I was at those chats and a host for many of them and the link to get you there was HARBOURLIGHTS. <<

The current Chat Room is already under the auspices of the HL-dot-com. I can't remember if the link for AOL chats had a name, but the AOL forum was not named Harbour Lights. I can't remember exactly, but it was something like 'Lighthouse Collectors'. Anyone else recall?
Posted By: WackoPaul

Re: Name the Forums - 12/20/99 07:16 AM

The Marketplace was started when John first started the forums, as a direct result of AOL insisting that they should get 2 pieces of the pie. The Marketplace was set up to give collectors the opportunity to buy, sell and trade Harbour Lights without the collectors having to pay a fee to a third party.

The oath idea was said in fun. Even my response to Art's response was an attempt (apparently poor) to point out that sometimes we take ourselves too seriously. I guess I will have to include a catchword or phrase from now on, like LOL.

SaintWackoPaul '
Keep the Flame

[This message has been edited by engbrady (edited 12-20-99).]
Posted By: Webmaster

Re: Name the Forums - 12/20/99 05:08 PM

The AOL Chat Room "Harbourlights" was created on the fly. It wasn't a permanent room; when the first person 'signed' into the chat room it opened and remained open until the last one left.

The parachat chat room was started while the AOL chat room was still operating. Around August 1998.

The Marketplace forum was part of the Collectors Forums from the start.

Nico Dirks changed his BB software to the UBB version sometime late last year (1998). Here's a link to that BB:

Nico was kind enough to establish a separate BB on Harbour Lights (because we were flooding the "Lighthouse BB" with HL messages, much to the consernation of some users of the "Lighthouse BB".
Posted By: JTimothyA

Re: Name the Forums - 12/20/99 06:02 PM

Thanks Paul & JC for the info on the AOL chat room and the Marketplace. Digging through some old notes I was reminded the AOL Forum was named: Lighthouse Collectibles

By drawing in folks who like lighthouses and lighthouse models to these forums, we can increase an enjoyment of the hobby and encourage more avid interest in Harbour Lights.

Both "Lighthouse Harbour" and "The Keepers Forum" are great names. I'd be happy with either. This thread has only run for a couple days so there may be more good ideas - feel free to share yours.

[This message has been edited by JTimothyA (edited 12-20-99).]
Posted By: KT

Re: Name the Forums - 12/20/99 06:04 PM

I'd like to second "The Keeper's Forum" nomination.

Ken T
Posted By: Rod Watson

Re: Name the Forums - 12/21/99 11:49 PM

Since you've compared us to the Colonists, Tim. I think we have now evolved to the point of being ready for the drafting of the "The United Forum's Bill of Rights"....draft on Tim. No taxation though, please.

Lighthouse Harbour gets another vote.
Posted By: Art

Re: Name the Forums - 12/22/99 04:34 AM

"Keepers Forum" also sounds good, but it is not likely to turn up in as many searches by lighthouse enthusiasts as "Lighthouse Harbour" is.

Posted By: Webmaster

Re: Name the Forums - 12/22/99 07:25 AM

How about "Lighthouse Keepers' Harbour"
Posted By: rscroope

Re: Name the Forums - 12/22/99 04:15 PM

How about 'The WACKO World of Harbour Light Collectors and Lurkers'. LOL
Sorry couldn't resist.
Posted By: Todd Shorkey

Re: Name the Forums - 12/22/99 07:29 PM

Bill and Bob's Lighthouse Forum Friends....LOL

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Name the Forums - 12/22/99 07:43 PM

Or maybe a little variation on John's idea.
"Harbour Lighthouse Keepers" or
"Harbour Lightkeepers"

Posted By: Hal Dean

Re: Name the Forums - 12/22/99 09:06 PM

I like Lighthouse Harbour but I think I like Sean's suggestion "The Keepers Forum" better. I like the word Forum in the title. Another suggestion would be "The LH Keepers Forum"

Posted By: JTimothyA

Re: Name the Forums - 12/22/99 10:28 PM

Keepers' Harbour

Harbour Keepers
Posted By: mombo

Re: Name the Forums - 12/24/99 01:51 AM

1. These forums have been called Collector's Forums for quite some time (maybe forever)?

2. Since the majority of the participants (see another thread) are for keeping them mainly for the collectors of Harbour Lights only - sorry Sean....


3. The forums are easily accesible from the HL website...

Why do we have to change the name????

(Hi Art in New Jersey who reads every post!)

Sorry, I just couldn't resist!
Posted By: JTimothyA

Re: Name the Forums - 12/24/99 09:55 AM

I wondered where that woman was going with that bucket of cold water... (vbg).

The names with the most interest thus far are:

1. Lighthouse Harbour
2. The Keepers Forum
3. Collector Forums

If you have a preference or another suggestion, speak up - and as JC sez: 'sell it'. The nominating period will end soon - oh how 'bout 11:59pm on Christmas. Then a voting booth will be set up in the BTN forum.

Posted By: Art

Re: Name the Forums - 12/27/99 08:06 PM

Hi Mombo!

Yes, I read every post, even in NJ. It might take me a couple of days to get around to it, but I read 'em all!

From NJ,

Posted By: easy

Re: Name the Forums - 01/02/00 10:41 PM

I like Lighthouse Harbor!
Posted By: Marzipan

Re: Name the Forums - 01/04/00 12:49 AM

Lighthouse Harbour has my vote.

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