Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes...enough is enough!

Posted By: Bob M

Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes...enough is enough! - 10/06/05 02:29 PM

Is anyone else getting tired of hearing about "Tom & Katie"? Who cares if Tom is going through a mid-life crisis. I guess true love is ageless but when Tom was a senior in high school, Katie was approximately two years old.

I love the statement Katie made one interview a few months back, "When I was a little girl, I always dreamed about marrying Tom Cruise!" Well, Katie, when I was young I always had the hots for Grace Kelly until she married that Prince over in Monaco.

Now Katie is pregnant and they just can't wait to plan that really big, big wedding. If they have a girl, maybe she will grow up and marry George Clooney. Keep it in the Hollywood circle of friends.

Deep down I can't help but think this craddle-robbing romance is Tom's way of getting back at his former wife Nicole Kidman. He always came up a "little short" with her.

I wish Katie & Tom the best but don't try to make this situation out to be a high school sweetheart thing with a storybook wedding and family to follow. If I was Katie's parents, I would be livid over the situation.

I give it a year, or less, once the baby is born. Place your bets ladies and gentlemen.

:rolleyes: Bob :rolleyes:
Posted By: Cana Fan

Re: Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes...enough is enough! - 10/06/05 02:49 PM

I give it a year, or less, once the baby is born
That seems to be the way it is with the stars. Jennifer and Ben, Jennifer and Brad, Tom and Niclole, Tom and Katie, Ben and whoever, Brad and whoever. It seems to me that the egos of these actors and actresses preclude them from having any sort of sucessful married life. Unfortunatly, they seem to be the ones that young people look up to most for their "values". Marriage has become such a throw away institution these days, and people wonder why.

I'm with you Bob, I get tired os seeing these star's realationships as a regular part of the evening news, and that's here in Chicago, not L.A.

Posted By: rscroope

Re: Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes...enough is enough! - 10/06/05 08:01 PM

Originally posted by Bob M:
Is anyone else getting tired of hearing about "Tom & Katie.....
Can't get enough, including your rant! :rolleyes:
Posted By: Bob M

Re: Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes...enough is enough! - 10/07/05 03:08 PM

It seems to me that the egos of these actors and actresses preclude them from having any sort of sucessful married life.
I think you hit the nail right on the head with that statement. Their egos can also ruin the chances for their children to ever grow up in a loving and nuturing environment. Instead they are rewarded for bad behavior with material things because their parents feel guilty for their personal screw ups.

Be thankful for what you have not being famous. I know I am.

smile Bob smile
Posted By: rscroope

Re: Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes...enough is enough! - 10/07/05 03:56 PM

There are many successful exceptions to this but it doesn't make good press!
Posted By: Cana Fan

Re: Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes...enough is enough! - 10/07/05 05:09 PM

There are some exceptions to this as Bob S. stated, unfortunatly, you have to go back quite a few years to find them, like the Hope's, the Burns'es, the Reagan's (Yes, the Reagans. Although it was Ron's second marriage, it lasted with Nancy for a long time) You'd have a hard time finding a hollywood couyple now that was mrried in 1995 and is still married.

Posted By: wheland

Re: Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes...enough is enough! - 10/07/05 06:15 PM

Let's all not start sounding too holier than thou- the general divorce rate is about 50% so things aren't so great in the general society either.

I know I've been married just under 31 years (10-12-74) and my family has beaten the odds with only one divorce out of 32 marraiges (over 3 generations)(Esther's family has a bit more- 4 divorces over 22 marriages in 3 generations).

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