Dwindling Interest in Collector Forums - Revisited

Posted By: Webmaster

Dwindling Interest in Collector Forums - Revisited - 04/15/06 03:30 PM

It's been two and a half years since Rich started a thread that was probably the fastest growing and garnered the most responses - maybe ever.

Lots of great comments and good ideas in this one so I'm inviting everyone to review both parts of the thread and to add new comments here.

Dwindling Interest
Posted By: flacoastie

Re: Dwindling Interest in Collector Forums - Revisited - 04/15/06 08:06 PM

John - When I made that post almost 2 1/2 years ago we were in bad shape as far as posting went. Now we are in even worst shape because even though an average of 100-150 people visit the site at any given time only about 25-35 are members and of those members only 5-10 take the time to actualy post. Of the 5-10 that actually post only 2-3 NEW POSTS are opened daily. It seem like most of the new posts are about trips/events/jokes so the actual new posts are not even about Harbour Lights.

If this is the way of the future for these Forums then I feel even more sorry for Don Devine and Harbour Lights future. Most of the old members are gone because of new commitment/new jobs/more responsibilities/other Forums so the responsibility to keep these Forums going is up to the new members. The new members that lurk and do not post are cheating themselves out of a lot of fun and answers to their questions about Harbour Lights. Hoping that someone will ask the questions that you have been wanting to ask is not going to happen as most of the older members already know the answers. They are willing to share their knowledge with you but they have to know what you want to know.

Older members that have left for one reason or another is the way of life these days. New jobs, more responsibilities and less time is the way our lives are going. There is nothing that can be done about those things. Members that leave for reasons that their feelings got hurt or they like another site better are also things that we can't control. What we can control are posting at least 2-3 times a week even though you may have to take a few minutes away from your busy schedule to do so. If you enjoy reading these Forums you must take this responsibility or these Forums may cease to exist due to non-participation.

Members(lurkers and participating) and visitors that read the posts but are not members need to sit back and smell the roses. If we don't participate as a group we will parish as individuals. No post is unimportant whether it is about a trip or about Harbour Lights. While I enjoy reading about Harbour Lights and do not take many trips due to my wife's back, I still read all the new posts and responses to the older posts. We need both of these interests to have a diverse Forum. Please take the time to suggest new ideas and while your at it why not commit to at least 2-3 new posts or responding to 5-6 posts a week. If your not a member then join. We will wave the requirement to buy Krispy Kremes to all new members joining through the month of April as a special incentive.

Let us hear from you!!!!
Posted By: Bob M

Re: Dwindling Interest in Collector Forums - Revisited - 04/15/06 08:47 PM

If this is the way of the future for these Forums then I feel even more sorry for Don Devine and Harbour Lights future. Most of the old members are gone because of new commitment/new jobs/more responsibilities/other Forums so the responsibility to keep these Forums going is up to the new members. The new members that lurk and do not post are cheating themselves out of a lot of fun and answers to their questions about Harbour Lights. Hoping that someone will ask the questions that you have been wanting to ask is not going to happen as most of the older members already know the answers. They are willing to share their knowledge with you but they have to know what you want to know.
I believe the glass is half full and not half empty. I think Don Devine's Harbour Lights business venture will do just fine. Don has big shoes to fill and if he is willing to make the investment in Harbour Lights then we faithful collectors should support him.

The key to continued success of this line is new collectors. The core group of old collectors has dwindled but that is expected with age. The same applies to the Collector Forums. Our success is dependent on registering new members and get them posting. Our core group of "old reliables" has dwindled some but hasn't been totally eliminated.

We all joined this group for various reasons and I'm sure there are people like us who will find this site and make it a place to visit every day. There were slow periods in the past, and there will be slow periods in the future.

Our job is to do the best we can to make this board interesting. As long as people are willing to stop by and read what we have to say, then we are doing alright. If we judge this board soley on the number of posts added by a small group of people then we are bound to come up with discouraging numbers. I'm just happy there are people reading all this stuff.

Here's to the future success of Harbour Lights and the Collector Forums. I for one do not want this ride to ever end.

smile Bob smile
Posted By: regalhobo

Re: Dwindling Interest in Collector Forums - Revisited - 04/15/06 10:11 PM

Nicely put Bob and I do agree!!

smile cool
Posted By: ericlighthouse

Re: Dwindling Interest in Collector Forums - Revisited - 04/15/06 10:19 PM

I was trying to look at the site as if a visitor and realized that one has to look around the site to find out how to register (or join). Perhaps we need a button near the top of the home page, that says something like, JOIN HERE FOR FREE.
Posted By: Webmaster

Re: Dwindling Interest in Collector Forums - Revisited - 04/15/06 10:54 PM

For those who are not logged in all the time, where you see [Log Out] others see [Log In] [Register]

That's just below the Collector Forums picture/logo on every page.
Posted By: beachcomber

Re: Dwindling Interest in Collector Forums - Revisited - 04/16/06 06:21 AM

Things have been particularly quiet this week. I tend to believe that it's because it's Holy Week and many worshippers are participating in church services. Did you check out the forums yesterday? There were about 7-8 active topics only! I'd never seen it that low - even during the Christmas season! It makes it difficult for some of the new members to participate. Some of the older members keep trying to stir up interest by starting new threads but there are few, if any, responses to those. frown One way we can stir up interest is to submit material for the upcoming issue of The Legacy. Hopefully, Don will also give us a preview of his plans for Harbour Lights. That might just give us a shot in the arm and get some activity going here! laugh
Posted By: Cana Fan

Re: Dwindling Interest in Collector Forums - Revisited - 04/17/06 02:49 PM

I visit at least daily, sometimes two or three times. Since I visit at work, I don't alway have the time to post, so I try to limit my posts to those that matter, or when my opinion has not been presented by someone else. My interest in H.L.'s ebbs and flow I have to admit. Usually, I get a winter lul. With no new models coming out for several months in the winter, my mind and interests tend to wander. (We are big hockey fans in our family. We've been to over 140 different places to see professional and minor league hockey, so in winter, our trips kinda revolve around that more than lighthouseing.)
Once spirng hits and I can make it back out to my dealer and see new lights, I tend to get cranked back up about lighthouseing and the Forums.

Posted By: Digger

Re: Dwindling Interest in Collector Forums - Revisited - 04/17/06 10:46 PM

I try to get here a couple of days a week to keep up with what's going on. I have been a little reluctant to post in the last year for no other reason that I am embarrased and ashamed of myself for commitments left unfinished with many of you here on the forum. You all have been so patient and understanding with me. I have no excuse for not fulfilling my promises to many of you and I cannot apologize enough. I have been going through a terrible lengthy "burn-out" phaze and I just can't get myself motivated to pick up the brush and pen. Hopefully that will change soon and I will get back at it. Again, I am so sorry, I miss everyone and I hope you haven't given up on me yet. smile
Posted By: beachcomber

Re: Dwindling Interest in Collector Forums - Revisited - 04/17/06 11:02 PM

Well, since you don't owe me anything, you don't have to worry about me. I always enjoy the contributions you make to the forums, and, of course, I love your artwork. You did a tremendous job for Reunion 2005, one which I continue to enjoy everytime I go through reunion materials. smile smile
Posted By: flacoastie

Re: Dwindling Interest in Collector Forums - Revisited - 04/18/06 01:50 AM

Digger - At least your visiting ofetn and posting a little. As Grace put it, you don't owe me a thing and I REALLY enjoy reading your posts when you do get to post.
Posted By: Dave H

Re: Dwindling Interest in Collector Forums - Revisited - 04/18/06 02:58 AM

Guess you could say Digger has been kind of buried . . . .
Posted By: DANIEL

Re: Dwindling Interest in Collector Forums - Revisited - 04/18/06 02:08 PM

It is better to have committed
And failed.
Then have never committed
And never failed.
Posted By: rscroope

Re: Dwindling Interest in Collector Forums - Revisited - 04/18/06 06:19 PM

We still love you Digger! smile Oh, maybe that's Becky we love. :p Hang in there Buddy, it's worth the wait. laugh
Posted By: JTimothyA

Re: Dwindling Interest in Collector Forums - Revisited - 06/06/06 06:59 AM

The key to continued success of this line is new collectors. The core group of old collectors has dwindled but that is expected with age.
Horse collar. What's better, drinking that Montrechet '72 or knowing its in the basement?

That tired old 'need new collectors' mantra has been peddled for years. It wasn't true when HL was on top of their game in 1995 and it isn't true now. You want continued success? Okay ... how 'bout just ordinary success and maybe a pique in interest. You want collectibles, not rejectibles. (whatever that means, but it sounded good.) So what's a collectible? Here hidden amongst the fine interior print of this paragraph is The Secret Answer. Yes I've been to the mountaintop. And after the lightguru twirled the codex and spoke those immortal guru words "Life is like a beanstalk", he let me in on a little secret. Heh. Success will return when there is an edition size smaller than those what want it. If there are a thousand collectors, make seven-fifty. If there are nine collectors, make six. Charge whatever it takes to cover your cost. Don't worry about a big profit. That will come later.

Yes its that same old story, numerero uno, repeat after me - supply and demand. Numero duo, keep your head down and lock your elbow - the key to success is to create models that will appreciate in value. Happiness is not a group hug during the three bus tour to Fantasy Light Island. Happiness is a thriving secondary market. Everything and I mean everything will fall into place when you connect waycool little models with pecuniary pugnacity.

Ever try to get in on an IPO? Everything else will fall into place when people are actively looking for the edge that will ensure they get one of the next new releases, cause they know that in two years it'll be worth more than it is today and I got one and you don't. It doesn't matter what it costs - right Bob, you'll buy one? Screw the proletariat - edition sizes big enough for common man prices lead to eBay glut. Too poor to buy 'em all, then pick yer spots and place your bets. The unbridled glee that comes from holding an NPL mini in your palm cause it looks good and you're among the four hundered or whatever that's got one. Yep - create *that* feeling again and you'll have your success.

Timeless in my own pedantic way,
Posted By: beachcomber

Re: Dwindling Interest in Collector Forums - Revisited - 06/07/06 03:22 AM

Wow! Who cares what he says; when Tim speaks, we listen in awe! smile
Posted By: beachcomber

Re: Dwindling Interest in Collector Forums - Revisited - 06/07/06 04:05 AM

Whoops! That didn't sound right. Of course, we care what you say, Tim, but you have such a way with words that it does leave one somewhat speechless - of course, to ponder and contemplate the merits of your "pedantic way".
Posted By: DANIEL

Re: Dwindling Interest in Collector Forums - Revisited - 06/07/06 05:20 AM

What you are saying is that Harbour Lights should have reduced their production until a secondary market demand came back.
Harbour Lights did cut back but it was years to late. And they only cut back because they just couldn’t sell anymore. If Harbour Lights pulled back at the first signs of a sluggish market they would have kept the collectors desire and thus created a demand were HL could have eventually increased production again. Well hopefully the new owner will try this.

At this time it is looking like lighthouses should have a production between 500 and 1200 depending on the popularity of the light. With this amount a strong demand for Harbour Lights should be created where eventually it could be move up to say 1200 to 2400. I don’t think all the lighthouses should have their production lowered. Just a couple of them. They should be called special editions. If Harbour lights lowered all their lights production the collectors may just look at them as if they can’t sell them and had to make less. Remember in the beginning it was the few, CH-1 and Coquille that got all the collectors excited to collect. Maybe a few Special Harbour Lights can be created to get the desire for collecting back again.

There are several recent low production editions that have had a good secondary market like reunion pieces and special local event pieces (Bailey Harbor) but what is needed is a down to earth Harbour Lights (offered from the dealers) with a low production number. This would get the collectors excited again. Not just one but several a year. Yes some collectors and dealers would not be able to obtain one and would have to buy it from the secondary market. Thus creating the secondary market demand.
Posted By: rscroope

Re: Dwindling Interest in Collector Forums - Revisited - 06/07/06 04:02 PM

Oooppppsss! eek Create an error piece. Or something out of the ordinary to create a BUzzzzzzzzz. wink
Posted By: QC

Re: Dwindling Interest in Collector Forums - Revisited - 06/08/06 12:00 AM

Hello Everyone It has been a very long time since I posted. I guess I lurk around once every 8 weeks or so. Hard to say why I fell out of HL Too expensive not enough space just tooo much I still join the collectors society and get the christmas light every year Just finished my NJ limited edition set by getting Sandy Hook on ebay. So just wanted to say hi and hope all is well with you guys. Take care George/QC
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