Remember when...

Posted By: JTimothyA

Remember when... - 12/19/01 07:55 AM

The warm winter weather sure has us confused here at the FSB - heck the ice-fishing shanty is still in the back yard. Haven't had a chance to use that new snow roof rake we bought on clearance last May. The possums are still hanging out under the back deck. May even take the wheels off the canoe if it's still like this on the weekend. No one in the usual snowmobile crowd has shown up. Its been getting kinda wierd - in a warm wierd way.

So we're sitting around that oil drum in the back yard the other day - usually Mark has a nice blaze going. Its too warm but we sit there anyway. And we're looking at the sky and the trees and what and just letting the conversation go when somebody starts up one o those 'remember when' things. We go round the circle everybody adding their 'remember when' - made us all feel like the old farts we are, but it was nice to reminisce. So anyway I thought it would be interesting to hear other folks 'remember when's - so here's your chance.

I'll start and y'all join in as you please...

Remember when your high-school girlfriend wrapped a band-aid around your ring so it'd fit on her finger.

Remember when you played in Little League without needing adults to help with the rules of the game and it wasn't a psychological group learning experience - it was a game.

Remember when stuff from the store came without safety caps and hermetic seals 'cause no one had yet tried to poison a perfect stranger.

Remember lying on your back on the grass with your friends and saying things like "That cloud looks like a..."

What do you remember?
[This message has been edited by JTimothyA (edited 12-19-2001).]
Posted By: RezmanDale

Re: Remember when... - 12/19/01 09:05 AM

Remember when at 9 or 10 you could ride your bike all over the neighborhood and not worry about being kidnapped?

Remember when your neighbors knew each other well enough so if you did something wrong, your parents would know about it before you got home.

Remember when the biggest discipline problem a school teacher had was if the kids were chewing gum, or not doing their homework.

Posted By: Nana

Re: Remember when... - 12/19/01 02:11 PM

I know I'm dating myself But:

Remember when you didn't have to lock your doors? Even at night!

Remember when your neighbors watched as you and your boyfriend said goodnight in the car? Then had a report for your parents!

Remember when there were no movies on Sunday?

Remember when you walked to school?

Remember when there was respect for another persons property?

[This message has been edited by Nana (edited 12-19-2001).]
Posted By: Rock

Re: Remember when... - 12/19/01 04:47 PM

Remember when subscribing to a premium movie channel meant you were able to see theatrical movies on your TV and not recycled made-for-TV garbage?

Remember when late-nite TV was worth staying up for?

Remember when people used to actually write letters to each other?

Remember when pro athletes used to play for the love of the game and not for the $$$$$ ?
Posted By: oseabee

Re: Remember when... - 12/19/01 06:00 PM

Remember when mail was delivered twice a day including Saturday.Bill O'Brien
Posted By: WackoPaul

Re: Remember when... - 12/19/01 06:03 PM

Remember when the last time was that you were at a lighthouse...

Wasn't it Great!!

It's still a Great Country and a Great Place to live... none any better!
Posted By: bright eyes

Re: Remember when... - 12/19/01 06:07 PM

Remember going steady with a older boy, and wearing a rubber band around the ring, so the ring would stay on your finger...then having too take the ring off before going home, so mom and dad wouldn't see it!!

Remember when smoking meant cigarettes?!!

Remember holding hands with your boyfriend, and getting goosebumps...

Remember playing "mother may I", and drawing on the sidewalks?!
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Remember when... - 12/19/01 06:49 PM

Remember when there weren't any Harbour Lights?

Remember when the first Harbour Lights were released?

The Lightkeeper
Posted By: Webmaster

Re: Remember when... - 12/19/01 07:01 PM

Remember when every Christmas Tree was a REAL one?

Remember when Newspapers published a daily "Shopping Days Till Christmas" box on the front page? (No shopping on Sunday.)

Remember when 'going downtown to shop' really involved going DOWNTOWN where there were stores to shop at?

Remember when businesses closed on Good Friday from noon to 3?
Posted By: JCRice

Re: Remember when... - 12/19/01 08:22 PM

Remember when the "Christmas Season" started when you saw Santa Claus at the end of the Macy's Day parade on Thanksgiving (and NOT before Halloween, like it is now...)?
Posted By: Dave H

Re: Remember when... - 12/19/01 11:03 PM

Originally posted by Nana:
Remember when your neighbors watched as you and your boyfriend said goodnight in the car? Then had a report for your parents!

I'm having a hard time believing they had cars in those days! I thought perhaps you meant in the buggy.......

how 'bout the Coke machine that served up Coke in a small glass bottle and then pouring a bag of Planters peanuts into the bottle? (or was that a midwestern thing).

Derith asked about no movies on Sundays - I can remember what they considered "blue" Sundays in the Tidewater area - no store was open!

Posted By: Rod Watson

Re: Remember when... - 12/19/01 11:22 PM

Remember when you didn't have to worry about being murdered for your new tennis shoes?

Remember when children were satisfied with $15 Christmas gifts?

Remember telephone Party lines?

Remember when you were'nt constantly reminded that every little thing you do or eat was going to kill you (and everyone else)?

Remember when purfume and clothes commercials actually made sense?

Remember when you actually had to move to change the TV channel?

Remember when 3 TV channels meant there were alot of quality shows to choose from?

Remember when sitting on a couch or chair for 3 hours a day was some sort of punishment as a child?

Remember when Pong was highly entertaining?

Remember when a highly active kid was deemed normal and not some type of syndrome?

....can I remember when I wasn't so cynical? LOL.
Posted By: JTimothyA

Re: Remember when... - 12/20/01 12:23 AM

>>how 'bout the Coke machine that served up Coke in a small glass bottle <<

You lifted the lid to machine and you slid the glass bottle to the end of the rack to get it out. And you got 2 cents when you brought it back. And soda in steel cans had a tapered top with a twist off cap.

Remembering a summer I bought a Kodak Brownie camera with money I 'made' by redeeming bottles picked up at construction sites.

Remember when stuff labeled 'Made in Japan' was usually cheap junk.

When McDonalds had no indoor seating.

When Revell made really intricate plastic models.

Remember when it was perfectly normal to do the pledge of allegience at the start of school.

When you nailed rollerskates to a board and made a 'skate board'.

Remember tube testers in every drug store?

Remember when the idea of paying for television was ridiculous ... er, guess some things never change.

Remember making a book of brightly colored leaves placed between pieces of wax paper.

Remember when PC keyboards were made of metal and didn't have a dorky 'windows' key. And the function keys were on the left where God intended.

A gallon of gas was 14 cents and the guy checked the oil and cleaned your windshield - and they were glad to have your business.

If you had a pie your mother actually made the crust. :-)

[This message has been edited by JTimothyA (edited 12-19-2001).]
Posted By: flacoastie

Re: Remember when... - 12/20/01 02:33 AM

Remember when the movies were $.14 cents and popcorn was $.10 cents. The penny change paid the tax on the popcorn(in Pennsylvania).

Remember when for that $.14 cents you watched a double feature.

Remember when you could ride your bike to that movie and leave it outside without having it stolen.

Remember when they only showed the same movie all week and a new double feature was started on Friday nights.

And finally, Remember when you could go up to the balcony with your girlfriend at the movies and you never watched the movie at all because it only cost $.14 cents.

Posted By: Webmaster

Re: Remember when... - 12/20/01 02:40 AM

Remember when a school lunch costs 15 cents?

...When McDonald hamburgers were 15 cents?

...When cigarettes cost 25 cents a pack?

...When you could buy a new car for between $2,000 and $2,500? (50s)

...When the words "..under God.." were added to the Pledge of Allegiance?
Posted By: Kaiz

Re: Remember when... - 12/20/01 03:00 AM

Remember when I had hair growing out of my head and not my ears!
Remember what it felt like to jump out of a chair and not have your knees ache!
Remember when CH1's went for $50.00
Remember when I hadn't yet met all the great HL friends I have now!
Remember ------- Oh, the Sabres are back on, time to go!!
Posted By: mombo

Re: Remember when... - 12/20/01 05:31 AM

Remember when phones and cars only came in black?

Remember tinsel and light reflectors for those big bulbs on your tree?

Remember metal toothpaste tubes?

Remember listening to the Lone Ranger?

Anybody remember listening to Sparky and Big John?

Remember carpet that were not wall-to-wall so your Mom needed a dust mop for the edges?

Remember when people cooked the giblets for the stuffing and gravy instead of throwing them out?

Remember when TV trays were metal?

Remember the milkman and the huckster and the knife sharper?
Posted By: Dave H

Re: Remember when... - 12/20/01 06:31 AM

Remember when Correct Craft and Chris Craft made wood speedboats..

When they had a "serial" before the Saturday movie (so you had to come back next week to keep up with the serial)..

When Roy Rogers & Dale Evans and Sky King were Saturday morning TV..

When kids spent all their time on the phone with friends (no IM)..

and, John, my first car was a new, off the showroom floor 1972 Pinto Sprint (special red, white & blue version) for < $2,000.

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