Volunteer Keeper At Big Sable

Posted By: DocJ44

Volunteer Keeper At Big Sable - 04/22/06 03:42 AM

Our adventures on the reunion bus tour last summer led us to many new lighthouses, but one location I really loved was Big Sable. While we were visiting the lighthouse, at one point Scot Epling came up to me excitedly about the volunteer keeper program that he was told about while I was climbing the tower. My initial reaction was “that’s great but how I would be able to swing it timewise?” It didn’t take me long to decide to cut back my usual summer vacation to a week (it will still be on Ocracoke but won't being going to Charleston) and then use that time instead for Big Sable. So we sent in our applications and were ultimately chosen to serve as volunteers. Our 2 week tour of duty doesn’t actually begin until the first week of October, but next week we will be heading up for orientation on Friday. I had thought that some other bus tour members had picked up information and was wondering if anyone else had decided to apply and was going to be there too. Have any other forum members ever volunteered there in past years?

It’s wonderful to be able to have the opportunity for this great experience. This is a great example of how one adventure opens the door for new adventures.
Posted By: Webmaster

Re: Volunteer Keeper At Big Sable - 04/22/06 04:10 AM

That's great John & Scott!

There was a story in the Lighthouse Legacy for Sep 2005 about Ceil Heller who did a stint as one of the volunteer keepers at Big Sable. You can access that issue at:

The story is on page 13. Enjoy the story and your time there next Fall. We'll expect a full report with photos!
Posted By: Dave H

Re: Volunteer Keeper At Big Sable - 04/22/06 04:19 AM

Congratulations, John & Scot. Big Sable is such a pretty location and you should have a wonderful adventure during your stay. Hopefully you will also enjoy the fall colors by then.

There was one other couple at the Reunion who are regular volunteers at Big Sable. They go up the first two weeks in May to open it up for the season.

We do have another couple who are Forum members who have volunteered at New Dungeness, WA. I believe they are going back this year.
Posted By: beachcomber

Re: Volunteer Keeper At Big Sable - 04/22/06 04:47 AM

I told John that we will want all the details of both the orientation and their actual stint in October. John and I exchanged emails about the article in Lighthouse Digest regarding the management of Ludington and Little Sable by the Big Sable group. Unfortunately, it appears that both Ludington and Little Sable will only be open during the summer. HOWEVER, maybe John and Scot will get to tour them while they are there for the orientation. Those of us on the bus tour saw only the two exteriors.
Posted By: Jenifer Selwa

Re: Volunteer Keeper At Big Sable - 04/22/06 05:17 AM

I've never volunteered at Big Sable but it's on my "to-do list" after the kids are a bit older. I am SO exicted about LIttle Sable and Ludington being open this year!!! I've always wanted to get inside LS but it's never been open in the 12 years I've been going.
Posted By: kikigl

Re: Volunteer Keeper At Big Sable - 04/22/06 09:05 PM

What a wonderful and fun thing to do!
We were there on Dave's Bus Tour from Chicago to Mackinaw last year and I just thought it was such
a beautiful spot! I could have easily stayed there for a couple of weeks!
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