Cost of the Reunion

Posted By: JJ

Cost of the Reunion - 10/02/00 12:23 AM

There have been several comments of late about the cost of the reunion. Everyone has to decide for themselves if it's worth it and if they can afford to attend. I was not collecting HL's at the time of the first reunion, when the second one came around I also thought that it was a little pricey, but signed up anyway. As I recall, it was about $1100.00 for two people when I included the purchase of two reunion exclusive Rose Islands. Here is what I got for my money.
2 matched sets of Reunion lighthouses, a full size one and a mini. Since a set sold on e-bay for $550.00 immediately after the reunion, I could have recovered my investment for the weekend right there. 2 sets of 4 thumbnails, which have also done very well on e-bay, even at $100.00 a set; I could be $200.00 ahead already. Now we add in two nights at a very nice hotel, Dinner on Friday night, which included on every table, six door prizes for 12 people, an average of one per couple. I won a Beavertail, another $80.00 there. Now we include 2 T-shirts, 2 mugs, 2 goodie bags, with HL keychains, calendars, magnets, totebags, books, some HL mousepads, and a bunch of other free stuff when we registered too. On Saturday we start with a nice breakfast with 700 of our closest friends, a four hour boat cruise with drinks and snacks thrown in, a Bar-B-Que. lunch, and a bus tour of 4 more lights. Back to the hotel for an all you can eat lobster bake with all the fixins and some time with our friends. Sunday morning, another nice breakfast with a numbered print of Rose Island by Mark Sherman at each place, another batch of door prizes and a raffle with a CH1 and an LE Coquille thrown in among the other prizes.
That wasn't even the best part. I got to meet and spend time with an incredible bunch of people. I met people there who have become very good friends since the reunion. Like the ad says-priceless.
Was it worth it? I think so. Could HL have done it cheaper? Sure, but they didn't cut corners on anything. I guess what I am trying to say is that the reunion is more than 3 nights in a hotel and some meals. Come if you can, I think you will have a great time.

[This message has been edited by JimJohnson (edited 10-01-2000).]
Posted By: wheland

Re: Cost of the Reunion - 10/02/00 01:36 AM


I have not attended any Reunion yet. Bad timing in becoming a collector.

I do agree that by looking at things strictly from a monetary view the cost is on the high side. But, as the old saying goe's - "You get what you pay for".

If this Reunion is half as well done, as the past have been described in the stories by people like you and others, the price being charged is a real bargain.

I'm not even factoring in the value of the Reunion pieces or the other items that themselves have shown up on Ebay and elsewhere.

I can perfrctly understand people feeling the cost is beyond them, but I think that anyone going will get more than their money's worth. Some things are truly priceless. The chance to meet face to face with some of same people who are discussing this subject is truly priceless, as you point out.

It may be true that it could be done for less, but it would not be the same.

A quality item, costs a quality amount.

Posted By: Lorie Roe

Re: Cost of the Reunion - 10/02/00 03:36 AM

Ditto Jim! Having gone to both reunions, I can say that I have never felt they were not worth the price.

It's funny looking back at how tension-free the first reunion came about. There was not any pressure to be the first to call in. As I recall, the CC members were sent out a notice for the first reunion in Dec. 1996. I remember thinking that Christmas was approaching and I would think about the reunion after Christmas. I ended up sending in my reunion request form in January. I have #149 for the New Point Loma mini and #211 for the full size. This was a good month to six weeks after the registration notice was made available. My... have times changed!!

I will always look back to both reunions with fond memories from meeting new friends to enjoying associating with the entire family of Harbour Lights.

Thanks to the Younger family for making the reunions happen and hoping to be able to join them once again in Baltimore.
Posted By: Joanne

Re: Cost of the Reunion - 10/02/00 04:19 AM

For one person, the cost is over $800. I am sure it's worth $1100 a couple and probably worth it for the fun and enjoyment. Could it have been done less expensive, probably, but them it could have been more expensive too.

For me, I can't justify spending $820 without airfare. Before anyone suggests sharing a room, I'll just mention that I have a sleep disorder. I only sleep about 3 hours a night. If anyone out there watches Jay Leno at 2 am, then Law and Order at 3 a.m., and then the early news at 4, and doesn't mind, let me know.

Posted By: Rod Watson

Re: Cost of the Reunion - 10/02/00 04:43 PM

There were so many events and hearty meals at the reunion, Joanne, many people were taking naps on the bus rides just to keep up with the intense pace. Keeping that in mind, the reunion cost would also include an excellent night's sleep for you! Trust me, you'll be so burned out, you'll fall asleep in minutes! LOL. Another one of those "priceless" items included in the cost.

PS, Jim: You forgot the comedian, the fife & drum band, the band at the barbecue, and the HL staff (?) dressed up as giant lobsters.
[This message has been edited by Rod Watson (edited 10-02-2000).]
Posted By: mombo

Re: Cost of the Reunion - 10/02/00 06:11 PM

Thanks for all the info. I've gone from "not going" to "on the fence"!
Posted By: WackoPaul

Re: Cost of the Reunion - 10/02/00 07:00 PM

Now get off that fence and start saving!

SaintWackoPaul '
Keep the Flame
Posted By: Cana Fan

Re: Cost of the Reunion - 10/02/00 07:26 PM

The cost of the reunion is a small price to pay for what should be a great weekend. We did not go to the other reunions, so we are looking forward to this one. If this reunion is like anything else Harbour Lights does, we'll get our money's worth and then some!
Posted By: Barb Kepple

Re: Cost of the Reunion - 10/02/00 10:13 PM


I sure hope you do decide to go to the Reunion - there are so many of us who would love to meet you.

Posted By: Snowluver

Re: Cost of the Reunion - 10/03/00 01:50 AM


Baltimore is a major hub for Southwest Airlines. I have flown, non-stop, from BWI to Tampa several times in the last year for under $200.00 roundtrip. I have recently seen fares of $178.00.

Jim Thomas
Posted By: Nana

Re: Cost of the Reunion - 10/03/00 02:32 AM

Okay Sue, you can't sit on that fence too can really do damage to your tush!.....So, you are coming, right? Please do!

Joanne, SWA is really the cheapest way to go anywhere INO. I have email sent to me every Tues. with the internet specials from them. I have a flight(round trip) to Baltimore for $151 booked for a trip I am trying to take in November. Also, if you get a SWA Visa and start using it and get air miles, you can have a free ticket by then. I will be flying them for the reunion. They have lots of other benefits as well.

[This message has been edited by Nana (edited 10-02-2000).]
Posted By: rscroope

Re: Cost of the Reunion - 10/03/00 03:23 PM

As I said in the other topic "$3@day x 365 days = Reunion 2001".
Posted By: Digger

Re: Cost of the Reunion - 10/04/00 03:12 AM

The reunion IS a BARGAIN!! I have spent more money than the cost of the reunion and left with nothing to show for it! Las Vegas is a very good example. I cannot attend the reunion, not because of the cost, but because of the timing. Next year(June 12) is our 25th wedding anniversary and long ago, I promised a Caribbean Cruise. NOW SHE'S HOLDING ME TO IT! The cruise is probably going to cost twice as much as the reunion and will not be as much fun. Anyone want to take my wife on a cruise so that I can go to the reunion?
Posted By: Dave H

Re: Cost of the Reunion - 10/04/00 03:24 AM

You sure like to live on the edge! When your bride reads your last post, she will be going with Nancy on the gigolo cruise, enjoying your life insurance pay-out. Seriously, though, are you paying for the cruise and looking for someone to travel with your wife, or do you expect the person to actually pay for the cruise?

Using LI Bob's logic, all you need to do is save $10 a day:
$3 for the HL event
$6 for the cruise at twice the cost of reunion
$1 as a down payment on the jewelry you will have to be considering to make up for your last post.

tic, wadr, imvho,

Posted By: TGIFIF

Re: Cost of the Reunion - 10/04/00 06:18 AM

Joanne, I'm in West Palm & will be driveing up to the reunion, you are welcome to join me. But I will be planing to go up early if John does tours. So you would have to plan a week to a week & 1/2 off from work? I have a van & I love to drive, so there is plenty of room.
Posted By: mombo

Re: Cost of the Reunion - 10/04/00 07:28 AM

I suppose I could save some money by walking to Baltimore. I could probably get there in a couple weeks.
Posted By: rscroope

Re: Cost of the Reunion - 10/04/00 02:22 PM

Amtrack? Stowaway on one of those ships that pass by your dock? Hitchiking? After you help IO whitewash that fence "well be glad to see you there".
- Bob
Posted By: Joanne

Re: Cost of the Reunion - 10/04/00 03:00 PM

Well, guess what! My boss called me into his office yesterday and told me that I receiving a bonus from his boss for a project I worked on! Yipee - Baltimore here I come! There was the deposit on the reunion just in time.

Last night at 9:30 I was watching the debates when it started to rain. I heard the gentle, soft patter of the rain outside. About 10 minutes later -- I heard, drip, drip, drip. Opened the window, no drip outside, went into the bathroom, no drip there. Walked around the bedroom and heard the the drip and saw the spot. My roof is leaking.

The good Lord giveth and the good Lord taketh away.

Posted By: Digger

Re: Cost of the Reunion - 10/04/00 11:47 PM


Let me put it this way..... 7 days on a boat in the middle of the ocean with my wife and you'll be wanting to pay to get off! Becky, if you read this... I'm only joking. Dave was also joking about the jewelry.


[This message has been edited by Gravedigger (edited 10-04-2000).]
Posted By: Dave H

Re: Cost of the Reunion - 10/05/00 12:02 AM

It's been ever so nice having you as a member. I'll say my good-byes now before Becky grounds you, figuratively or literally. You may be 'underground' for a while trying to dig your way out of this one (is it poossible????)
Posted By: JJ

Re: Cost of the Reunion - 10/05/00 01:34 AM

Digger, they have cruises all the time-this will be the first reunion in three years. Play those cards right and you can enjoy both. Good Luck.
Posted By: mombo

Re: Cost of the Reunion - 10/05/00 03:13 AM

Joanne: Just get a big bucket!
Posted By: Dave H

Re: Cost of the Reunion - 10/05/00 05:39 AM

On JJ's theme- no cruises to the Caribbean from scenic Baltimore? Could just happen to set oone up for departure Sunday the 7th. Take Becky on a scenic cruise of southern Lake Michigan on one of them thar gamblin' boats - as good a story teller as you are, maybe you can convince her its the Caribbean.

I know why Digger doesn't want to cruise with his bride - they told him he couldn't bring his shovel and backhoe with him this time. The last cruise ship he was on is due back from the yards next month.

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