How many rolls of Film???

Posted By: Nana

How many rolls of Film??? - 09/25/01 02:56 AM

Okay, and how many rolls of film are we all taking with us to Baltimore? My stach has 22 rolls.....4-800 speed and the rest 200...cause I am expecting sunny days. Will that be enough? Do I have enough $$$ for developing? (might get some more 800 after reading the forecast.)

Showers with considerable clouds.
High 62 Low 57

Mainly cloudy with spotty showers.
High 66 Low 53

Rather cloudy.
High 67 Low 56

Clouds and sunshine.
High 60 Low 39

A good deal of sun.
High 60 Low 39

Posted By: SThompson

Re: How many rolls of Film??? - 09/25/01 03:02 AM

I will probably take about 10 rolls of 100 and just a couple of 400. For the Digital it will be 5 CDs which equates to 750 photos. More than plenty
Posted By: Dave H

Re: How many rolls of Film??? - 09/25/01 03:26 AM

Hopefully you are sending your film ahead by auto? When I fly with my camera the security people just hate it when you hand them 30 or so rolls of film (our CA trip where Heather used as much film as I did). I just know they will not be thrilled in the present environment to be asked to hand check a bag full of film. And, DO NOT PACK IT IN YOUR SUITCASE. The scanners they use on your luggage will fog film, especially fast film, and may do so in only one pass. Doesn't matter if it is exposed or not, it has a good chance of getting fogged.


Posted By: RFoster

Re: How many rolls of Film??? - 09/25/01 03:54 AM


I switched to digital and would recommend it for everyone. No film to buy and no developing costs. Also, you can print only the pictures you want and erase those you don't. Prices have come way down for a decent digital camera these days.

(CT Keeper)
Posted By: Medicman

Re: How many rolls of Film??? - 09/25/01 04:43 AM

We'll have both. 5 rolls for the 35mm camera and 3 memory cards for the digital and 2 of the Kodak Advantix One-Use with the panoramic shots (they make a great full lighthouse shot when turned on its end.)

And if that's not enough.... there's always a place to buy more

So why am I taking both?
Cause I can...
Cause I have em and might as well use em....
Cause I know I'll fill up the memory cards...
Cause I will be a tourist and plan on "Looking like one" !!!
Posted By: WisKeeper

Re: How many rolls of Film??? - 09/25/01 05:04 AM

I was planning on about 20 rolls. Has anyone used one of those lead-lined film shield bags to protect the film from the xray machines at the airport? The guy at the camera store says that one will most certainly get the carry-on luggage searched after they see it, but I figured they will search it anyway, so I would rather protect my film.

He suggested the best thing to do is to buy film after one arrives and develop it before one leaves so that the film will never go through the xrays.

Posted By: SThompson

Re: How many rolls of Film??? - 09/25/01 05:05 AM

I have the specially lined bags that protect my film Dave. I pack everything in a big pelican case and check it in. I also have it insured!

Good tips Dave and I second what Ron says about Digital Cameras!

[This message has been edited by SThompson (edited 09-24-2001).]
Posted By: SThompson

Re: How many rolls of Film??? - 09/25/01 05:09 AM

Posted at the same time Suzanne.

Has anyone used one of those lead-lined film shield bags to protect the film from the xray machines at the airport?

I have used them the last couple of years without problem. I made sure that I got the ones with the most protection so I could carry fast film, 400, 800. The faster film like 800 or faster can still be a problem though. If you purchase a bag make sure it says that it covers these speeds of film.

[This message has been edited by SThompson (edited 09-24-2001).]
Posted By: Dave H

Re: How many rolls of Film??? - 09/25/01 05:33 AM


You are far more trusting of the airline folks than I am! I just know that if I were to try that, the bag would be "diverted" somewhere, or that it would be the one they used in the "how far can you throw a piece of baggage" contest.

Did they update the lead protective packages when they went to the super x-ray machines the past few years? I have an older version of the lead package, and have used it in carry-on, but still wonder about it in checked baggage.

Posted By: JoanieO

Re: How many rolls of Film??? - 09/25/01 05:43 AM

I plan on taking my 35mm camera and my Sony Digital and lots of floppies.
My husband is bringing his 8mm video camera and his Kodak Advantix. But it looks like we better go out and buy more film. looks like we are going to have lots of "Kodak moments. Joan
Posted By: WisKeeper

Re: How many rolls of Film??? - 09/25/01 05:44 AM

I was told to put the film bag with my carry-on stuff. The guy at the store told me they have one bag for up to 800 speed film and another bag for over 800 speed film. Sounds like they had something cheaper for 200 speed film. These bags don't sound cheap. He told me around $25. The guy told me that not all airports have the stronger x-ray machines and they were mostly overseas.

Posted By: Chesapeake Bryan

Re: How many rolls of Film??? - 09/25/01 05:54 AM

I am bringing about 10 rolls of 35 mm film. I will also be bringing my nikon digital camera along with 2 32 megabite compact flash cards and my laptop to store any pictures I take.
Posted By: FrankB

Re: How many rolls of Film??? - 09/25/01 08:38 PM

Afraid I have to disagree with Dave. I have a couple of the lead-lined FilmShield pouches (cost me about $12 each). Although I do not deny that film has a chance of getting fogged, I would have to disagree that there is a "good chance". I would instead say, with this simple precaution taken, that there is a "very slim chance" in view of the fact that I have never had so much as one roll of film damaged by x-ray. (I did have some exposed rolls damaged once when water got into the film cartridges, but that's another story.) I have also never been slowed down by a hand search of my camera bag when using these. (Although searches of just about any bag is a much-increased possibility these days.)

I use both film and digital cameras. Digitals are nice (a must for pictures you want to post on-line), but even though costs have come down, developing costs are still higher. I average 2 rolls of film a day.

Posted By: RFoster

Re: How many rolls of Film??? - 09/25/01 08:49 PM

FrankB - I am not sure if I understand when referring to digital cameras you say "but even though costs have come down, developing costs are still higher". There are no developing costs.

If you mean the per print price of a picture is greater I may agree BUT you shouldn't have to print all of the pictures you take.
That's only one of the beauties of digital which also allows you to crop, straighten out, properly expose and write on the prints you do make (to do these things with regular film is, if not impossible, very costly).

Also, you can store the digital images on CDs so that 20 or 30 years from now you can print them out at the same quality that you print them out today (something that is not possible when negatives age and become yellowed).

When you weigh all the advantages of digital photography over film photography I believe that you come out ahead with digital, especially in the long run.

"Keeping The Flame Alive"

[This message has been edited by RFoster (edited 09-25-2001).]
Posted By: mombo

Re: How many rolls of Film??? - 09/25/01 11:11 PM

Man, I just toss the film in and go. Never had a problem. Is this because I only use 200 speed? With all the pictures you guys are taking I shouldn't have to take any!
Posted By: FrankB

Re: How many rolls of Film??? - 09/25/01 11:35 PM

I am talking about print costs and I find that the cost of getting just the digital images I want printed is significantly more than the cost of getting all of the pictures printed which I have taken with my film camera.
I agree with your other comments about digital and that is why I use both.

Posted By: Dave H

Re: How many rolls of Film??? - 09/26/01 12:09 AM


IF you have your film in lead pouches in your baggage you may be OK. I did not say otherwise. Most people do not have one of the lead pouches. Also remember that tody they will have the power on all the machines turned up to make a more thorough check of the item. IF you hand carry the film, and ask that it be hand checked, they will most likely test each and every container for residue. If you have enough lead lined bags and have it packed in your carry on bag, they may not check it. Given today's environment,though, I would plan on anything that could not be seen thru by x-ray to be hand inspected.

Here is a link to a page about protective pouches

Scroll down the page to the discussion on x-ray including a suggestion that you never leave film in your checked baggage, even in a lead protective package.

Here is an interesting link from Kodak and one person's story about their experience with film and x-rays.



[This message has been edited by Dave H (edited 09-25-2001).]
Posted By: Nana

Re: How many rolls of Film??? - 09/26/01 04:16 AM

I'll get a couple more rolls of 800 and maybe a 4roll pack of 400. I don't own a digital.....and I am not taking the film on the plane..It's going with my buddies RIP and Sharon Puls by car.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: How many rolls of Film??? - 09/26/01 04:37 AM

What I have done in the past when taking film thru airport security is to remove all outer packaging (boxs) and then put the canisters in a clear zip lock bag so they can see what it is, you may have to even remove the outer canisters now due to the higher security and then have them pass it around the x-ray machine. I have told them that in the past the machines have ruined my film and they pass it around the machine. But with tighter security this might not fly anymore, Probably best to buy film when you get there.
Posted By: Webmaster

Re: How many rolls of Film??? - 09/26/01 04:55 AM

There's a COSTCO about 3 miles from the hotel.
Posted By: oseabee

Re: How many rolls of Film??? - 09/26/01 05:08 AM

How about some of you people lucky enoughto go to the reunion getting extra copies and we can get them to schools across the country to get kids interested in lights.Bill O'Brien
Posted By: JoAnn

Re: How many rolls of Film??? - 09/26/01 05:54 AM

Gee you guys are scaring me!I have flown all over the US,Singapore,Hong Kong,Maylasia, China and Canada blithley taking photos with my point & shoot Advantix and never have had a problem with any film being ruined.Hope this trip isn't the first time!
Posted By: WisKeeper

Re: How many rolls of Film??? - 09/26/01 05:57 AM

Dave - Thanks for the helpful links to articles about filmshield bags. I'm stopping at the camera shop tomorrow to get one.

Posted By: MrsTLC

Re: How many rolls of Film??? - 09/26/01 06:05 AM

Thanks to all of you for your advise...Terry and I have decided to do what Mark said and put them in a plastic bag...I'm pretty sure they won't mind taking them around the xray machine.

Posted By: thebigtuna

Re: How many rolls of Film??? - 09/27/01 12:05 AM

Thanks for all the tips on protecting my film. I never really gave it a thought until now. I would be very upset if none of my pictures came out. I'm bringing a digital, camcorder and 35mm. camara. See you all there in a couple of days
Posted By: Buz Dean

Re: How many rolls of Film??? - 09/27/01 12:46 AM

You know Derrith, Rip rented a car and is not taking his truck! Please leave me some room! I'll have several rolls myself of both the old fashion 35mm and the new ADVANTIX. I have not decided about my digital motion camera yet. Have to get more storage for that now too.

Posted By: Randy Kremer

Re: How many rolls of Film??? - 09/28/01 03:13 PM

Wow!!! I'm not going to take as many rolls of film now after reading all this! I'll just take the doubles of everyone elses film!(LOL)
Posted By: TGIFIF

Re: How many rolls of Film??? - 09/29/01 03:38 AM

FYI, not sure about every where but Sams Club here has 8 rolls of 200 or 400 film for $15.00. So needless to say, I'm bring a lot!!

Posted By: Alisa

Re: How many rolls of Film??? - 10/02/01 02:12 AM

I was just bringing my digital camera...but after reading all of your posts, I got jealous and ran out and bought a new 35mm and zoom lenses....and 8 rolls of film!
Posted By: Bob M

Re: How many rolls of Film??? - 10/02/01 03:13 AM

Just as important as having enough film is having sufficient batteries for your camera. I'm sure everyone will bring extra batteries if a quick replacement is necessary.

As far as film goes, I think I'll bring at least a dozen rolls. I may just go with one camera rather than carry a lot of equipment around.

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