What piece do you feel is your "Ark Of The Covenant"

Posted By: rustyjax

What piece do you feel is your "Ark Of The Covenant" - 12/16/08 08:09 PM

Everyone has a Harbour Lights piece that they feel is top dog! One that you don't necessarally have to have, but "that one", you feel is the
"Ark Of The Covenant"!
Yes, I want, (and would sell my girlfriend for(don't tell her), is the original Hatteras. I don't EVEN BELIEVE THAT ONE EXISTS! So, I set the thought of having that one asside,,,,,

Now, the one(other that the original Hatteras), I feel is the illussive, Indiana Jones artifact, would be Hillsboro Inlet, FL (original). bow
I have never ever seen this piece for sale anywhere EVER SINCE IT WAS INTRODUCED!

Yes! I am one of the lucky few who have one!

Who has one, and what's your thoughts on all this?
Posted By: Rrronne

Re: What piece do you feel is your "Ark Of The Covenant" - 12/16/08 08:12 PM

For me it would be Coquille River, OR followed by the original Cape Hatteras, NC.

We do have a Hillsboro Inlet. Beautiful piece.
Posted By: flacoastie

Re: What piece do you feel is your "Ark Of The Covenant" - 12/16/08 09:10 PM

I do have the original Hatteras and Coquille, but, my favorite piece is Big Bay Point followed closely by Presque Isle, PA.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What piece do you feel is your "Ark Of The Covenant" - 12/16/08 09:28 PM

Coquille River and Cape Hatteras are part of my collection, but the piece that "floats my boat" is the Fort Tompkins Summer #655
Posted By: Cuckolds

Re: What piece do you feel is your "Ark Of The Covenant" - 12/17/08 12:20 AM

This is for Rustyjax...there is a Hillsboro Inlet on E-Bay right now for box or papers, but based on a couple other Hillsboro,s that have sold on E-Bay, I expect it will go for quite a low price without box and papers
Posted By: Weasel58

Re: What piece do you feel is your "Ark Of The Covenant" - 12/17/08 12:45 AM

New Pt. Loma is one of my favorites, funny I say that as right this moment I do not have it on display.
Posted By: Lighthouse Loon

Re: What piece do you feel is your "Ark Of The Covenant" - 12/17/08 02:33 AM

Too many to pick one favorite right now, but when I think of a signature piece for Harbour Lights it's got to be either the Coquille River or Cape Hatteras LE.

Oh, and I bought my Hillsboro Inlet on Ebay several months ago.
Posted By: ericlighthouse

Re: What piece do you feel is your "Ark Of The Covenant" - 12/17/08 04:01 AM

I got my Hillsborough from ebay too.
Cape St. George is one of my favorites as well as
Mobile Point (with Rebel flag of course)
Sand Key
and the Cape Henry's
Posted By: Lighthouser

Re: What piece do you feel is your "Ark Of The Covenant" - 12/17/08 04:47 PM

Mine would be the Bodie Island Christmas piece...for obvious reasons & for personal reasons, and the fact that I have had the privilege of climbing the real one on several occasions.

I met one of my dearest friends at the real light, and he has become as close as family. I've also sat on the porch and listened to John Gaskill relate stories of growing up there, and Christmas's actually spent there with his family.

So I can gaze at the Christmas piece and recount many a lovely memory.

Yep, that would be the one.

Posted By: rustyjax

Re: What piece do you feel is your "Ark Of The Covenant" - 12/17/08 07:25 PM

Originally posted by Lighthouser:
Mine would be the Bodie Island Christmas piece...for obvious reasons & for personal reasons, and the fact that I have had the privilege of climbing the real one on several occasions.

I met one of my dearest friends at the real light, and he has become as close as family. I've also sat on the porch and listened to John Gaskill relate stories of growing up there, and Christmas's actually spent there with his family.

So I can gaze at the Christmas piece and recount many a lovely memory.

Yep, that would be the one.

Ya, the bodie is one of my favs as well! I used to live up in Kill Devil Hills and could see the Bodie, as well as the Wright Brothers Memorial
out my Bedroom window!
The lights on the Outer banks are the Granddaddys of all the lights!
So,,,, how do you pronounce "Bodie"? With a long "o" or short!
As a former Local there,,,, we pronounced it
with the long "o"

I'm going to go back this summer and show off all the lights on the banks to my gal friend who's never been! AND! we're going to tour them on the motorcycle! We're sooooo excited about the trip!
How about it,,,,anybody else have a bike, and want to join us?

oh by the way,,,,you guys do know the Wright memorial is a lighthouse? There is an airport just behind it, that it is significant for!
Posted By: Lighthouser

Re: What piece do you feel is your "Ark Of The Covenant" - 12/17/08 08:27 PM

I also know many of the locals. Never heard anyone of them pronounce it with a long "O".
Posted By: wvlights0

Re: What piece do you feel is your "Ark Of The Covenant" - 12/17/08 11:14 PM

This past August we asked a two people about the pronounciation. Man at the Visitors Center by the bridge said its said like "body". Woman at Lighthouse Gallery & Gifts was quite adamant that she would never say it that way as it was a memory of all the bodies that washed ashore. Also that the man who told us otherwise was probably not born and raised there. Honestly, I felt bad for asking. So I will go on, probably mispronouncing it as "boe-dee", but not feeling bad about it.
Posted By: Lighthouser

Re: What piece do you feel is your "Ark Of The Covenant" - 12/18/08 12:38 AM

Laura, you are not wrong either way. The land that the lighthouse was built on was owned by a family named Bodie, pronounced Bod-ie. Soft "o as in the word "body".

I worked on the Outer Banks for a bunch of years with a lighthouse group and also knew most of the NPS folks. They all pronounced the name of the lighthouse as Bod-ie, and so I do as well. Soft "o".

I worked with the original owners of The Lighthouse Gallery, the couple who built it. They said, Bod-ie.

The son of the last keeper pronounces it as Bod-ie, and he actually lived there.

All with a soft "o", not the long one.

The present owner of the Lighthouse Gallery was also not born on OBX, btw. He and his wife came from northern Virginia.

I guess I didn't come in contact with anyone who used the long "o" pronunciation, and it made sense to me that the light could have been named for the family land it was built on.

Posted By: Rock

Re: What piece do you feel is your "Ark Of The Covenant" - 12/18/08 02:23 AM

The light's name is clearly engraved in stone, I believe, over the entrance: "Body's Island"...but we digress...I too own an original Hatteras and Coquille, but I have a special affinity towards my Canadian Minot's Ledge, MA...something special about the contrast between the frothy green water and the gray/black stone tower...
Posted By: rustyjax

Re: What piece do you feel is your "Ark Of The Covenant" - 12/18/08 06:22 PM

I went to school and graduated from Manteo high! After College, went back and taught a couple years there on Roanoke Isl. My grandfather lived there all his life, and was a major political fixture. Have been in this area for most of my life, and many years with the local kids who were born and raised there. The actor Andy Griffith has a home there near our high school and was close with my Grandfather(if that means anything), along with him,,,, I can assure you, they all pronouce it Bo-dee(long "o").
This was all before the area became a tourest trap, and the winters on the Banks were nothing but local yokles!
Now that the beauty of the area has been compromised, and condos have replaced the sea oats! And, most of the population there now out number the locals, the new folks exclaime there is a proper way of pronouncing the word!
Now, don't get me wrong, After all that time I spent living there, I will not tell you what the correct version is! And, I'm not sure! And yes, there is a "enscribed stone" on the inside wall of the enterance that says "BODY ISLAND"(spent alot of high school parties on the grounds) But, over the decades, the name was adventually spelled as "Bodie" As to why that change was made, is probably the secrete to the pronounciation!
Posted By: Bill Bowen

Re: What piece do you feel is your "Ark Of The Covenant" - 12/19/08 07:22 AM

I purchased my Hillsboro LE on ebay in 2004. Being from Maryland, and having climbed Thomas Point, it is my favorite lighthouse. I purchased my LE from a Harbour Lights Collector Society member at the HL Reunion in Baltimore (2001).
Posted By: ginnyanne

Re: What piece do you feel is your "Ark Of The Covenant" - 12/25/08 01:09 AM

Also a Marylander, Thomas Point has always been my favorite lighthouse. But I do love the HL of Drum Point that was given at the 2001 Reunion. The top comes off and the detail inside is wonderful right down to the teddy bear on the bed!
Posted By: Bill Bowen

Re: What piece do you feel is your "Ark Of The Covenant" - 12/26/08 03:27 PM

The 2001 Reunion piece is HL640, Hooper Strait, MD. I agree, it is one of the most detailed HL pieces.
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