Michigan City LE

Posted By: Rrronne

Michigan City LE - 10/07/00 07:56 PM

I recall that the water changed color on this piece during production. Can anyone tell me if that is correct and if so, what the approximate piece count was for each water color?

Thanks for the help.

Randall Ronne
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Michigan City LE - 10/08/00 01:16 AM

There was a color change with the water, It was more of a diffrent shade of lighter blueish green to a darker shade of blue on my piece #1197, not the same as the much greener diffrence's as with New London Ledge, Barnegat or Minots Ledge. Anybody else have any really green pieces? or are they like mine with more of a blueish green?
Posted By: Jim Johnston

Re: Michigan City LE - 10/08/00 07:45 PM

My Michigan City is like an AquaGreen. It is ed.# 853. It is not as dark as my Barnegat, Minot's and my New London green waters.
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