Do you have fuzzy Harbour Lights?

Posted By: Bob Steinbrunn

Do you have fuzzy Harbour Lights? - 09/11/99 06:55 AM

Now here's an odd one. Being a model ship builder I use a 3x magnifier for small details. In my case this is a common "Optivisor" hood sold in many hobby shops.

Well, naturally I used it to inspect my collection of Harbour Lights pieces, and I came away with three observations.

1. The HL pieces stand up to 3 power magnification inspection. They are really well done.

2. The sculpture, I think, can be appreciated much more fully by using magnification. The details on the latest pieces such as the subtle coloring on rocks, stonework, water, and so on, really come alive using this close-up device.

3. These things are quite fuzzy. By this I mean that there are literally hundreds of lint fibers adhering to the various parts of the piece, apparently the residue of a cloth used to apply color, wash, or stain. There are also dozens of bristles from a paint brush imbedded in the paint.

I don't mean this to be a critical comment, just an observation. And I'm not demeaning HL or their pieces or the way they're made. Rather, I'm wondering if all of the pieces are this way, and have other folks noticed this?

By using my surgical pointed tweezers (I can pick up a human hair off a sheet of glass with these things) I clean the sculptures by removing the lint and bristles.

This is kinda fun, in a sort of obsessive/compulsive way, because it causes you to focus on small areas of the piece as you search for lint and brush hairs. This means you take in and appreciate all of the wealth of detail in the piece, and you come away feeling that you've REALLY looked it over.

And for the "by the numbers" crowd, I counted 158 pieces of lint and brush hairs on my Roosevelt Island, and 423 on my Assateague Island.

I wonder if I have too much spare time? :-)

Bob Steinbrunn
Nautical Research Guild
Posted By: Rod Watson

Re: Do you have fuzzy Harbour Lights? - 09/11/99 07:52 AM


I thought I had some compulsive behaviors, but I have to admit these forums don't make me feel so bad!

From Paul's photography collection of miniatures at each of the real lights, to Digger's compulsion of digging holes everywhere possible, to Mombo's voodoo pins on the wall map, to Art & Tim's weekly philosophy and mathematics lessons, to Vermonter's bovine friends, to Bill's "WOW" & "BOWOW" evaluations, to Todd's "walking on partially frozen water" expeditions, to Bob's daily weather reports from New England, to "fill in the blank".....there is sure a variety of personalities here. LOL

Excellent observations, Bob. You can be the official "Microinspector" of the clan for evaluating the new releases.

Rod Watson
[This message has been edited by Rod Watson (edited 09-11-99).]
Posted By: JTimothyA

Re: Do you have fuzzy Harbour Lights? - 09/11/99 08:25 AM

>>You can be the official "Microinspector" of the clan <<

I believe the correct titular phraseology is 'Nanokeeper'.
Posted By: Bob M

Re: Do you have fuzzy Harbour Lights? - 09/11/99 12:50 PM

You make for some interesting conversation, Bob. You discovered one of the best hidden secrets of Harbour Lights. Some of these sculptures were suppose to be "Harbour Lights Chia Pets". Those hairs and bristles actually came from Bill Younger's head and beard! The "HL Chia Pet" project was soon abandoned when the price of haircuts and beard trims went up causing an additional financial burden on the !

Posted By: Bob Steinbrunn

Re: Do you have fuzzy Harbour Lights? - 09/11/99 04:21 PM


Thanks for the kind words and observations, I appreciate it!

As for the inspector's job, I'll leave that to wiser and more experienced heads. There seem to be a plethora of them on this list!

But aside from that, being in the aviation field I thought I knew all the acronyms (VOR, ADF, ILS, DME, etc.), but "ROFLMAO" is a new one to me.

Translation? :-)

Bob Steinbrunn
Nautical Research Guild
Posted By: Rod Watson

Re: Do you have fuzzy Harbour Lights? - 09/11/99 04:46 PM


Rolling on the floor, laughing my *** off.
Posted By: mombo

Re: Do you have fuzzy Harbour Lights? - 09/12/99 01:52 AM

Bob, now that everyone has made fun of you I must admit that I too have seen some of those fuzzys. While I usually don't take the magnifier to them, unless looking for a seahorse, I did at least once. Maybe this was to further admire the detail but I definitely did see some and, like yourself, plucked them off!

Posted By: Pam Baggett

Re: Do you have fuzzy Harbour Lights? - 09/12/99 04:01 AM

Thank you Rod!!!!!! I am ROFLMAO about the translation of ROFLAMO. I loved it. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.
I too am impressed with the charaters on this forum and proud to know that anyone will fit in. I can always be entertained or enlighened by my friends here.
Still Laughing
Posted By: Dave H

Re: Do you have fuzzy Harbour Lights? - 09/12/99 05:21 AM

Here is an old link that talks of accronyms and abbreviations:

Seem to remember that Rod is a collector of all things big and small that relate to HL. Maybe he will be wanting some of the debris from your lights. ROFLMAO

Posted By: Bob Steinbrunn

Re: Do you have fuzzy Harbour Lights? - 09/12/99 05:00 PM

This topic has been great fun and I've laughed at all the responses, thanks!

For those of you who HAVEN'T looked at their Harbour Lights pieces with a magnifier, you might consider doing so for another reason beside the three I've given above.

With the 3x "Optivisor" (besides hobby shops, many hardware stores carry this item, about $30.00) both eyes see the magnified object, not just one as would be the case with a magnifying glass. This leaves both hands free to carefully hold and turn the piece while allowing the full optical experience.

Visually, the sculpture now becomes three times its normal size and you are given the very real impression of actually being on the grounds of the light. You can (almost) experience, vicariously, the feeling of exploring the keeper's house, gardens, fence, looking up at the light (careful, don't trip over that seahorse!), getting your feet wet in the surf, and climbing on rocks.

This might be known as "Bob's Optical Virtual Lighthouse Tour". Not only is it spiritually fulfilling, but it's guaranteed to make your spouse think all is not really well with you.

You don't have to fear being labeled as a "Bob" (one who compulsively picks off lint and bristles, one by one, one at a time....) if you do it in a closet with hooded illumination, far away from prying eyes and normal people.

Bob Steinbrunn
Nautical Research Guild
Posted By: RezmanDale

Re: Do you have fuzzy Harbour Lights? - 09/16/99 05:19 AM

I've taken the BOVLT tour and have seen the "fuzzies" as well. Just thought that I had a dusty house. Great Idea about the headset Bob. Works real well
Posted By: Webmaster

Re: Do you have fuzzy Harbour Lights? - 10/15/00 06:49 AM

Just 'dusting' this one off for a few re-laughs.
Posted By: Tim3167

Re: Do you have fuzzy Harbour Lights? - 10/15/00 11:58 PM

I'm amazed that back in '99 people everywhere did not know better and were removing factory applied "fuzzies" from their HL models. Now that that craze seems to have passed, I'm proud to say that I fought the urge and my entire collection remains MIBSWF (Mint In Box Still With Fuzzies)!

Isn't it wonderful that the new millenium has brought with it knowledge that will help prevent these disasters in the future!


[This message has been edited by Tim3167 (edited 10-15-2000).]
Posted By: JTimothyA

Re: Do you have fuzzy Harbour Lights? - 10/16/00 12:23 AM

Bob, where are you going with that can of shaving creme and that razor? You're gonna what??!!
Posted By: Jake's Mom

Re: Do you have fuzzy Harbour Lights? - 10/17/00 02:32 PM

Bob, I would like to thank you. You just gave me an idea that will save me lots of money. Next time Stephen wants to go lighthousing, I'm going to give him a 3x magnifier, set him in front of his HL collection, and send him on the official "Bob's Optical Virtual Lighthouse Tour".

Posted By: Jake

Re: Do you have fuzzy Harbour Lights? - 10/17/00 11:29 PM

That's what you think, Mom!!!!!

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