There are no words.....

Posted By: sidd

There are no words..... - 11/06/99 07:07 PM

I have been so busy in my current situation that other than contacting St. John and answering emails, (looking for a job and packing, and custody...)I haven't looked at the forums till now. I have to tell you that this is some bunch of people. I'm am sitting here crying because of the things I'm reading. I can't get any help from the law as far as emergency situations for custody, etc. but here is a group that I used to be with daily only on the internet (I stopped because the spouse got mad)and their hearts are as big as the world. I can't even think of words to conview my feelings. Thank you doesn't even come close. I've heard from so many via email including us in their prayers and thoughts. People overextending themselves in time and money for us. Words can not conview a little of how my heart feels for everyone. Thank you and God Bless.

Posted By: JTimothyA

Re: There are no words..... - 11/06/99 09:01 PM

Keep your head up and best of luck to you.

Posted By: RezmanDale

Re: There are no words..... - 11/06/99 09:56 PM

I hope and pray that just knowing that there are so many out here that care will be an encouragement to you. Don't give up. Trust God and you friends. You can do anything you put your mind to.

Posted By: Jazzer

Re: There are no words..... - 11/07/99 12:39 AM

Hang in there. Remember short term pain = long term gain no matter how long it takes.
Let GOD and live .

Posted By: Rusty

Re: There are no words..... - 11/08/99 04:10 AM

As you know, many HLer's are praying for you. We will keep on.

Posted By: Dave H

Re: There are no words..... - 11/08/99 06:10 AM

Lots of prayers and good thoughts coming your way from here and all over. Pretty great family we have here. Keep your faith and you will get all this behind you.

Posted By: Hal Dean

Re: There are no words..... - 11/08/99 07:24 AM

Keep you chin up high and things have got to get better, Our prayers are for you
Posted By: Gay Carr

Re: There are no words..... - 11/08/99 07:25 AM


Keep your faith & It will turn out just fine. I know how hard it is right now, as I went through a very similar situation about 5 years ago. Just hang in, as you are getting a lot of prayers about your problems & needs. Gay
Posted By: Lighthousedude

Re: There are no words..... - 11/08/99 02:05 PM

Wishing you the best of luck in this difficult time. My family and myself are praying that this will soon be behind.

Keep the faith Sidd, all of us are with you.
Posted By: MtnHkr

Re: There are no words..... - 11/08/99 05:27 PM


Our prayers are with you. Remember to "Let go and let God!" One step at a time and one day at a time. God bless you and yours.

Posted By: Joanne

Re: There are no words..... - 11/08/99 06:40 PM

Dear Sidd,

One day you will come to the realization that things have gotten better without you even being aware. I hope this day comes quickly.

In the meantime, please remember that although many of us have not had the opportunity to met face to face, we are here for each other. Please remember us if times get overwhelming and know that your HL family is thinking about you and your children.

Posted By: foghornkeeper

Re: There are no words..... - 11/09/99 03:27 PM

Our prayers are with you, and hang in there and in the end it may be for the best.

fohornkeeper, ladylightkeeper, aka fotofriend
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