11 Years!

Posted By: seagirt

11 Years! - 08/05/10 08:54 PM

Eleven years ago, on 5 August 1999, a little hyperactive 9-year-old kid was brought to St. Simon's Island Light by his mother on a family vacation to The Cloister, to give the rest of the family a break.

Eleven years and 357 lighthouses later, my flame is as strong as ever. It's amazing to think that this passion has now driven me for over half of my lifetime.

So, on this significant day, I raise my Poland Spring bottle as I sit at my desk at work to an amazing passion, amazing lighthouse people, and one hell of a great ride. smile
Posted By: WackoPaul

Re: 11 Years! - 08/05/10 09:06 PM

I raise my glass of Chivas to you Greg!! Thanks for sharing part of that ride, since December 2002, with us here of the Forums..
Posted By: MelJB

Re: 11 Years! - 08/05/10 09:09 PM

My glass of Diet Dr Pepper is raised as well!
Posted By: Lighthouse Loon

Re: 11 Years! - 08/05/10 11:58 PM

Currently have a bottle of Poland Springs water in hand.

Greg, Here's to your 11 years of lighthousing ! cheers

Of course it will be a bottles of something else in a few hours! wink
Posted By: wvlights0

Re: 11 Years! - 08/06/10 12:00 AM

Keep hold of your passions! (glass of ice tea is raised)
Posted By: PFC

Re: 11 Years! - 08/06/10 04:02 AM

Wow how time does fly! I raise my Ice Coffee to you Greg! cheers

My best, smile
Paul Conlin
Posted By: MrsTLC

Re: 11 Years! - 08/06/10 07:18 AM

Greg, it is great that you found us all here. I always enjoy hearing your perspective on any subject. Here's to you young man... keep that flame going!
cheers not beer but wine!
Posted By: rscroope

Re: 11 Years! - 08/06/10 03:11 PM

You've come a long way from being a little kid pleading for some HLs to a man beginning on your life's journey. We enjoyed meeting you in Brooklyn and look foward to seeing you again in Vermont.
It's nice to hear you mark part of your lifesteps with the Forum friendships.

Bob & MaryAnn
Posted By: keeperpam2

Re: 11 Years! - 08/06/10 05:29 PM

I've always admired you Greg, for your maturity, and your drive to meet your goals!

You also must have amazing parents that have helped you grow!

I raise my cup of Chai Spice tea to you and your folks! Congrats! applaud
Posted By: flacoastie

Re: 11 Years! - 08/06/10 08:44 PM

Greg - You have grown up before our eyes and now your on your way to the mature world. Don't let it slow you down. Keep your goals, passions and ideas no matter what is in front of you.
Posted By: wheland

Re: 11 Years! - 08/07/10 01:00 AM

Greg congrats on your anniversary. I always enjoy spending lighthouse ti e with you - and I put the first photo of you online which blew some people away when they saw how old you were.

Posted By: DANIEL

Re: 11 Years! - 08/07/10 03:35 PM

It is commendable how you joined in with us older people and blended in very comfortable. I have always enjoyed your post and I felt you were very mature and informative even at your age of 9. Your Mother did a fine job raising you.

Erie land light was my first Lighthouse to see but St Simons was my first lighthouse to go into. I think one visit of the St Simons Lighthouse could make anyone a lighthouse lover, it is awesome.
Posted By: Angels Gate

Re: 11 Years! - 08/08/10 08:53 PM

Here's to you, Greg! May you enjoy a very long lifetime lighthouse adventures!
Posted By: Jenifer Selwa

Re: 11 Years! - 10/28/10 08:31 AM

Greg, I remember meeting you for the first time on our Shepler's Ferry boat ride when you were 10. It's so ironic, because my eldest daughter wasn't in the picture yet, and now she's 9, went into her first lighthouse at 13 months, and I'm not sure who begs to climb them more now - her or my son, who's 5!
Posted By: Lighthouser

Re: 11 Years! - 10/28/10 02:59 PM

Here's to YOU, Greg! It has been such a pleasure knowing you, and it's been quite a few years. First got to know you on another lighthouse site, and watched you grow and enjoyed our one on one chats. Then I finally got to meet you and receive some great hugs. I'ved proudly watched your accomplishments and becoming a young adult. Paul hears
me mention you often and knows exactly who I'm talking about. :-)

Here's to many more years of friendship!
Posted By: seagirt

Re: 11 Years! - 11/26/10 06:03 AM

Well...I've just realised that somehow, I've not posted on the CF since SEPTEMBER. I have no idea how that, has this year been flying by!

But I saw this thread in my "latest posts" page and wanted to just give everyone a sincere thanks for all the good wishes, even if it's a bit late. As I said back in August, it's this group of people who have kept the flame going with me...and continue to do so.

Lots of plans in the works for 2011...will be putting some stuff up here soon.

Thanks again!
Posted By: kory63

Re: 11 Years! - 11/26/10 09:24 PM

Greg, Don't know how I missed this! Probably due to one of my recent hospital stays! Anyway, I've always enjoyed your posts and pictures and your lighthousing adventure tales! I met you briefly at Seagirt during one of the NJ LH Challenges and wish my health allowed me to get back to the Jersey Shore and maybe meet you again for a longer chat!
Best wishes for another adventurous 11 years of LH'ing ....HOPEFULLY many more than 11!
Posted By: Phillygirl

Re: 11 Years! - 11/28/10 11:42 PM

Wow, 357 lighthouses! We are not worthy!
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