What do I do?

Posted By: Bob Cappuccio

What do I do? - 08/11/99 01:45 AM

Hello all,

I am sure most of you have seen the old saying on a plaque or sign somewhere that goes.."Husband and cat missing..25 cent reward for safe return of the cat"..sort of fits in to what I'm going through here.My wife has told me that I have way to many Harbour Lights.Didn't think that was possible she says we are out of room and its either they go or she does.Well,not get rid of them,just not purchase anymore.I think anyway..should clarify I am stuck in what to do.Build another room of the back of the house?Buy her something very expensive? Tell her the suitcases are down stairs?lol Just kidding of course..I think..would be easier then packing these lighthouses I thought I would ask my fellow collectors to see if they have any ideas.Actually got her into lighthouses a bit..she buys me just the foreign ones which is nice I sit here,with lights all around me,what is my next step.Any idea's..comments..jokes are all welcome.I told her I would abide by all my fellow friends in the Harbour Lights world.Thanks alot and please hurry,I think I hear the HL boxes being stacked up in the next room! :-)

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What do I do? - 08/11/99 02:10 AM

Well as I see it: "A man's home is his lighthouse" and on the other hand: "A man's happiness in his home is his wife". Don't worry, got a solution. Keep buying the ones that you want and rotate the ones you have on display. That way you will still have room, will get to display different lighthouses from time to time(possibly change them with each new season), and still be able to buy new ones.That's what my wife does with her Charming Tails. Works for us.

"the lightkeeper"
Posted By: Pam Baggett

Re: What do I do? - 08/11/99 02:10 AM

Maybe book a nice romantic weekend in a bed and breakfast (at a lighthouse of course)and prove to her that the lighthouses can become a beautiful memory in your lives and become common ground for you both. Make her feel loved as much as you love your HLs and everything will be fine. Nothing can be worse than feeling second to something.
Otherwise you may end up divorced and can't afford any more lighthouses after you pay child support (if you have children) allimony and whatever else support she may find a need for. And believe me she will find
Then you won't have a wife OR anymore HLs.
You will loose both ways. What a sad ending to a funny story. Sorry but life is hard lol.

OK, if that story is too harsh, try this fantacy one.
Keep doing what you are doing now, let things take their own course. If she doesn't come around then let her go. Maybe you will end up with someone who loves and owns every Harbour Lights figurine and you spend the rest of your life traveling around the world visiting each one together. That is truly what I am waiting lol lol
Good Luck Either Way,
Posted By: Joanne

Re: What do I do? - 08/11/99 03:22 AM

Well you asked the right group of people what you should do. You know no one is going to say stop collecting.

How do you have them displayed? Are they all together in one curio cabinet or do you have "some here and some there"? If you don't have a curio cabinet, then maybe you can let your wife pick one out. Some cabinets can be very expensive and I don't know what you're budget would be, but I found one I liked and waited for it to go on sale and saved $200. Now I'm waiting for it to go on sale again because I need another one.

Last but not least, take her out to a nice dinner every time you buy a new HL.

Posted By: Webmaster

Re: What do I do? - 08/11/99 04:03 AM

Boy = you've got a lot of great answers here already!

1. Treat your wife well - the get-away sounds good or just dinner at the nicest restaurant in town.

2. Box up some of the overflow and stash them in the basement, attic or spare bedroom closet. Then as you add a new one, take another to the closet.

3. See if you can get her interested in YOUR collection and you get interested in hers. Show her stuff on the Internet for the things she collects.

4. Has she met Nancy Younger yet??
Posted By: NvrEnufHL

Re: What do I do? - 08/11/99 04:29 AM

You have three choices
1. Sell them all to me for very very cheap
2. Buy here that Mansion she has always wanted( you know, the one with the lighthouse wing)
3. Sell them all to me for very very cheap

Hope i have helped!!

Buy On


Posted By: Lighthousedude

Re: What do I do? - 08/11/99 12:42 PM

My wife said if I buy one more Harbour Lights lighthouse she will leave me...............

I'm sure going to miss her!

[This message has been edited by Mike Seewald (edited 08-11-99).]
Posted By: orv

Re: What do I do? - 08/11/99 03:41 PM

In all fairness to your wife you need to look at it from the point of view that if your mate doesn't share your interest (obsession) for your hobby and she feels it is detrimental to your relationship or somehow more important than her, then one should could certainly examine their priorities. On the other hand mates should show an interest in the others hobbies, interest,groups, etc. I feel for a relationship to be good couples should enjoy similiar interest. Nothing is more important than the relationships with the ones that we love and respecting their feelings. Sorry if I came on too heavy in a light hearted topic. Today is not the best day. My mate is going in later today for surgery for breat cancer. When something like this happens it makes you realize how important the other person or people in your life are. Having said all of that I agree with Tucker, I would be happy to take some off your hands cheap.
Posted By: Rod Watson

Re: What do I do? - 08/11/99 04:31 PM

Our prayers are with your wife, Orv. I know this must be a very difficult time.
Posted By: LamarB

Re: What do I do? - 08/11/99 05:07 PM

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your wife, too Orv. It seems that medical science has made great strides in this area. My mother-in-law was diagnosed with breast cancer in '98, went through the surgery followed by chemotherapy this year and is now disease free as of her last checkup.

Bob, I really don't have an answer to your dilemma that hasn't already been suggested. However, if you decide to rotate your display of HL's you may want to reconsider storage in the attic due to excessive heat, especially in the summertime.
Posted By: Webmaster

Re: What do I do? - 08/11/99 06:04 PM

Orv - prayers are being raised for your wife and you in Arizona and all around the country from people you know and people you don't know. God bless you both in this time of need.
Posted By: Lighthousedude

Re: What do I do? - 08/11/99 07:23 PM


My family and I hope that everything turns out well. Our prayers are with you.

Posted By: rscroope

Re: What do I do? - 08/11/99 07:28 PM

My prayers will include you and your mate.
Posted By: Art

Re: What do I do? - 08/11/99 08:50 PM

You are both in my prayers too, Orv.
Posted By: QC

Re: What do I do? - 08/11/99 10:21 PM

Orv we are all with you guys. Always try to stay positive. More than a few times my favorite lighthouse has seemed to comfort and strenghten me with good memories. You are both in my prayers.
Take care,
Posted By: Bob Cappuccio

Re: What do I do? - 08/11/99 10:42 PM


My prayers are with you also.Its times like this we all need a little light from "above".

Thank you all for some great suggestions! Forget getting rid of them but thanks for the offers..:-) I knew I could count on everyone here to keep me smiling and continue keep my collection
Posted By: Todd Shorkey

Re: What do I do? - 08/12/99 02:26 AM


We echo the above senitments. Our prayers are with you and your family.
Posted By: mombo

Re: What do I do? - 08/12/99 04:12 AM

Orv: Hope all goes well for your wife. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.

Bob: Hope you and your wife can work through your dilemma. You've had lots of excellent suggestions. If all else fails I can always make room for one more, but you'd have to bring your HL's with you!

Posted By: RRohweder

Re: What do I do? - 08/12/99 04:18 AM

Add one more set of prayers from NW California Orv. Keep us posted.


Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What do I do? - 08/12/99 04:40 AM

Orv:Please know that you and your wife will be remembered in our prayers here in the Bennett home.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What do I do? - 08/12/99 04:44 AM

My prayers are also with you. May He Who is "the Light of the world" be with you both in this time of need.

"the lightkeeper"
Posted By: orv

Re: What do I do? - 08/12/99 02:24 PM

Thank you all for the kind words, Everything went as well as could be expected. Our concern now is waiting for the pathologist report to make sure it hasn't spread. Will know within 36 hrs. The Dr feels positive at this point. Thank you all again, I'm off to the hospital.
Posted By: jakescol

Re: What do I do? - 08/12/99 07:12 PM

Must be all those prayers got answered. amen

Jake Toering
Posted By: Al and Kathy

Re: What do I do? - 08/12/99 09:57 PM

Orv, I'm pleased to hear the surgery went well. You'd be surprised how many survivors there are to breast cancer just due to the education of woman as to what to look for and how to do exams. You're both in my prayers.

Posted By: TGIFIF

Re: What do I do? - 08/13/99 05:34 AM

Orv, I'm glad all is looking good. Please send the entire forums best wishes to your wife!!!
Posted By: Lighthousedude

Re: What do I do? - 08/13/99 01:07 PM


Very glad to hear that "Phase One" went well. I sincerly hope and pray that the follow up report from the doctor will be good news to you and your wife.

Posted By: Weasel58

Re: What do I do? - 08/13/99 11:12 PM

I just want to say I agree with Mike and The othes when I say My thoughts and Prayers are with your wife and you Orv.


[This message has been edited by Weasel58 (edited 08-13-99).]
Posted By: orv

Re: What do I do? - 08/14/99 03:28 PM

Teresa's Doctor called last night around 5.30 to let us know that we have great news. Actually his words were "I could not be giving you any better news" There was no spreading outside of the area. It was 100% contained and she will not have to have any chemo or other surgery. After the whirlwind of the past seven or eight days (we only found out the results of the biopsy last Fri a week ago)this was wonderful news. I felt like running up and down the hospital halls telling everyone I saw. I feel like a HUGE weight has been taken off. Thank you all again for your words of encouragement and support. She is taking her comps for her Doctorate in Education on Sept 10th so I hope she is strong enough for that. They really don't reschedule those for you. She has been working on it for the past 26 months. She is very resilient so I expect her to come through in flying colors.
Posted By: WackoPaul

Re: What do I do? - 08/14/99 04:32 PM

That's terrific news, Orv!

Perhaps one more prayer is in order from all. A prayer of thanks!

Paul & Sue Brady
Posted By: Art

Re: What do I do? - 08/14/99 06:55 PM

That's wonderful news, Orv. Made my day!

One more prayer said, Paul.
Posted By: Todd Shorkey

Re: What do I do? - 08/14/99 10:52 PM

Great news Orv!

Our prayers have been said.
Posted By: Digger

Re: What do I do? - 08/14/99 11:15 PM

So glad to hear the wonderful news Orv. We will all be praying for a quick recovery.
Posted By: LamarB

Re: What do I do? - 08/14/99 11:47 PM

Great Orv. Prayer works!
Posted By: Webmaster

Re: What do I do? - 08/15/99 01:37 AM

Great News, Orv. Please give her our best.

0 :>) St. John of the Internet
Posted By: FredKuhl

Re: What do I do? - 08/15/99 04:26 AM


Got into this late. Just in time for the good news.

The power of prayer. Let's all remember one another in all our prayers.

The Ancient Mariner
Posted By: Lighthousedude

Re: What do I do? - 08/16/99 12:48 PM

Hi Orv,

Great to hear that all went well!!!

Also, best of luck to her on the 10th of Sept.

Posted By: Joanne

Re: What do I do? - 08/17/99 02:53 AM

So, Bob, what is the verdict? Can you keep your lighthouses?

Posted By: mombo

Re: What do I do? - 08/17/99 05:26 AM

Great news Orv. Give Teresa a big hug from all of us. Maybe Bob can send her one of his HL's as a get well gift!

Posted By: RezmanDale

Re: What do I do? - 08/18/99 04:09 AM

Orv, great news on your wife. More prayers from Arizona during recovery! Keep us all posted.
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