package recieved

Posted By: oseabee

package recieved - 12/14/01 10:20 PM

Today I got a very pleasant surprise.My doorbell rang and I recieved a package containing a reunion piece That I appreciated very much.So far more things have been done for me that I never really expected.I have gotten many things from the reunion that medical conditions prevented me from attending but since then I have had contacts wiyh some of you that make it feel like I have met you in agreater way than just meeting you in person.From the cards rec'd while in the hospital and nursing home,things rec'd from the reunion like the signed collectors card,the signed letter which I have framed and hanging on my wall and now a piece I had thought I would never see. all year I was looking forward to attending Baltimore not just to see the inner harboras I have been there.Thenin many ways since then I have found great comfort and many very good friends that I have known for a while in the forums but now know they are the best and greatest people in the world.I would like to say thank you all for being you and allowing me to know you all even just in this cyber world except for the few I have met in person.I WANT TO SAY THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU.Bill O'Brien
Posted By: cclighthousebuff

Re: package recieved - 12/17/01 03:40 AM

While I don't know your personal situation, it sounds from your posting that you have been dealing with some challenges recently. I know the feeling of attachment is important; particularly under difficult circumstances. I've enjoyed your posts in the past and I will look to them with keener interest in the future. I hope all goes well.
Posted By: RezmanDale

Re: package recieved - 12/17/01 05:18 AM

I too have been the recipient of some very unexpected generosity from some of the Saints here on the forums. Words can not even come close to expressing the gratitude I feel. I only hope that I can "pay it forward". These guys have been a great inspiration and I hope all who read Bill's Thread will begin to understand that there "Saints" here that are Saints in deed! May God bless you guys (you know who you are). I have no doubt that there are things like this going on that none of us ever know about. This my friends is the true spirit of Christmas! As Bill says "THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU"


Thanks Bill for sharing
Posted By: rscroope

Re: package recieved - 12/17/01 03:36 PM

"Gotta luv 'em!"
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