You are spending too much on H-L when...

Posted By: Stainz

You are spending too much on H-L when... - 05/22/02 01:25 PM

You freely liquidate other hobbies...
You unload your bookcases for more display area...
You sell/pawn your firearms...
You put H-L display shelves in the now-empty gun cases...
To save money, you say "No, dear, a 'Happy Meal' is fine for our anniversary dinner!"...
You smile when you learn you just bought a duplicate piece...
You no longer get credit card offers - even from Capitol...
No one - not even the cat - will spend the night in your guest room because of the boxes...

I know I have missed a few... wanna help here?

Posted By: Randy Kremer

Re: You are spending too much on H-L when... - 05/22/02 06:53 PM

You don't go on vacation until you look at the Harbour Lights directory to see where stores selling these lights are located in that area and on the way to your vacation destination!

Your spouse don't ask what you want for your anniversary, birthday or Christmas - just which ones your are missing.
Posted By: JCRice

Re: You are spending too much on H-L when... - 05/22/02 07:03 PM find yourself hiding recent HL purchases in closets, at work and in the trunk of your car to hide them from your non-lighthouse-collecting spouse...

Of course...that's not ME
Posted By: Lightseeker

Re: You are spending too much on H-L when... - 05/22/02 07:36 PM

Thanks, JC. Your post reminded me that I have to get my Beehive Lens out of the trunk of my car and set it up here in my office.

Posted By: Dick Johnson

Re: You are spending too much on H-L when... - 05/23/02 02:26 AM

You call your HL dealer before you go out of town to let them know you will be away, so they know that they shouldn't sell any new arrivals till you return. If you know it is a really specai piece coming out, you call daily during your trip to make sure that all of the staff is aware you are away.
Posted By: DANIEL

Re: You are spending too much on H-L when... - 05/23/02 03:21 AM

.............When your four year old son calls the UPS truck, "THE LIGHTHOUSE TRUCK"

Posted By: MtnHkr

Re: You are spending too much on H-L when... - 05/23/02 03:28 AM

..When you bring your dealer an Excel list of those lights coming out that you intend to buy.

It works well!

Posted By: kikigl

Re: You are spending too much on H-L when... - 05/27/02 07:50 PM

You're not even interested in a vacation, unless a large part of it includes "chasing lighthouses"--the real ones and Harbour Lights!

Kay G.
Posted By: Stainz

Re: You are spending too much on H-L when... - 05/28/02 02:41 PM

My wife came home early yesterday (Memorial Day) to 'shop' furniture stope 'sales' for curio cabinets to house my H-L collection.
"Ready to go?"
"You know, that is a lot of money to spend on a display case."
"And I suppose you'd rather buy more lighthouses?"
"Where will we put them?"
" I could unload more books from those bookcases..."
" And where will we put the books?"
"Won't the Salvation Army truck be in our neighborhood next week?"

I have to go now... I must make more book cases... more lighthouses due this week (Payday is Friday...).

Posted By: TDSimpson

Re: You are spending too much on H-L when... - 05/29/02 01:32 AM

A Harbour Light dealer CALLS YOU looking for a particular piece!
Posted By: Randy Kremer

Re: You are spending too much on H-L when... - 05/29/02 02:33 PM

A Harbour Lights dealer calls you to get information on the history/variation of a certain piece!
Posted By: DANIEL

Re: You are spending too much on H-L when... - 05/30/02 03:25 AM

When your dealer ask for your advise on which lighthouses they should buy extra of.

Posted By: Randy Kremer

Re: You are spending too much on H-L when... - 05/30/02 03:03 PM

So true Daniel! And ones not to buy extras of! (LOL)
Posted By: flacoastie

Re: You are spending too much on H-L when... - 05/30/02 03:37 PM

The dealer that you have been dealing with gets your autoship in, charges it to your plastic and sends it to you without letting you know anything about it.

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